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INTRODUCTION SERVICE AREA VISION PARK PLANS IMPLEMENTATIONPLANNING PROCESS <br />EAST OF THE RIVER PARK MASTER PLAN <br />OPERATIONS AND <br />MAINTENANCE <br />4: INITIAL PARK CONCEPTS AND PHASE 2 <br />COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT <br />Based on the extensive phase 1 input and the Data Jam in <br />CAC #5, the expanded design team prepared the initial park <br />concepts. During Design Week, the design team reviewed <br />all the community engagement to date and hand-sketched <br />one or two different concept ideas for each park. The team <br />refined these sketches over the course of several weeks and <br />then brought them back out to the community. The designs <br />were intended to spur community discussion, test different <br />ideas, and then be significantly revised in a later stage. <br />The initial concepts were brought out to the community in <br />several open houses scattered throughout the service area. <br />The open house set-up was such that community members <br />could gather around the different designs and discuss them <br />with neighbors, at times even drawing new solutions right on <br />the initial sketches. MPRB also met with some stakeholder <br />groups during this process and initial concepts were available <br />online with an accompanying survey. <br />MPRB staff were also asked to weigh in on the concepts <br />through two “in-houses” where the draft concepts were <br />displayed for staff feedback from across the agency. Over <br />forty staff attended each open house to provide comments <br />and insights on the plans from a variety of perspectives <br />including maintenance, aquatics, events, ecological <br />management, and recreation. Technical advisors from other <br />agencies were also invited to the open houses and for one-on- <br />one conversations about the process as needed. The technical <br />advisors included: <br />• Metro Transit Planning <br />• Met Council Parks <br />• UofM Planning <br />• City of Minneapolis Long Range Planning <br />• City of Minneapolis Health Department <br />• City of Minneapolis Public Works Transportation Planning <br />• Hennepin County <br />• City of St. Paul Parks and Bike/Ped staff <br />• MnDOT <br />• City of St Anthony <br />• Minneapolis Public Schools <br />• Mississippi Watershed Management Organization <br />All input—on-line, open house, stakeholder, MPRB staff, <br />technical advisor etc.—was entered into MPRB’s on-line survey <br />system to generate detailed summaries for each park and ideas <br />for the service area as a whole. The general input themes are <br />included in the park packet for each park, in Chapter 4. <br />5: PREFERRED CONCEPTS AND PHASE 3 <br />COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT <br />Based on input about the initial concepts, the design team met <br />again in a workshop to discuss revision of the designs. Each <br />park was considered individually and in the context of the <br />service area as a whole, with the draft guiding principles (see <br />Chapter 3) also driving decision-making. The team produced a <br />single “preferred concept” for each park. The service area- <br />wide maps and charts were updated to reflect the preferred <br />concepts. <br />In CAC #7, members heard from MPRB staff about Operations <br />and Maintenance at MPRB. This session was designed to <br />provide the CAC with more detailed understanding of the <br />maintenance needs and possibilities for the proposed park <br />improvements. <br /> LOGAN PARK <br /> Concept A 7-1-2018 East of the River Park Master PlanNORTHBROADWAY STREETPLAYGROUND <br />WADING POOL <br />DIAMOND <br />NEW NATURAL AREA <br />UPDATED MULTIUSE FIELD <br />NEW PICNIC AREA <br />RECREATION CENTER <br />NEW TERRACE SEATING AND EVENT SPACE <br />TENNIS/PICKLE BALL STRIPING <br />UPDATED BASKETBALL <br />NEW PLAZA AND PERFORMANCE SPACE <br />FRUIT TREES <br />WALKING TRAILS <br />IMPROVED SEATING <br />BOULDER SEATING AREA <br />JEFFERSON STREET <br />MONROE STREET <br />29