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INTRODUCTION SERVICE AREA VISION PARK PLANS IMPLEMENTATIONPLANNING PROCESS <br />EAST OF THE RIVER PARK MASTER PLAN <br />OPERATIONS AND <br />MAINTENANCE <br />After a year of extensive community engagement with a wide <br />range of people and groups that know and love their parks, <br />community engagement around the preferred concepts <br />centered on the CAC. The preferred concepts were discussed <br />in meetings 10, 11, 12—meetings that regularly attracted <br />between 20 and 30 members of the general public in addition <br />to the CAC members. CAC meeting #10 featured a process of <br />sorting the parks into those that the CAC felt were in the realm <br />of consensus toward recommendation and those that required <br />further discussion. The general public had an opportunity <br />to speak about each park in turn as it was raised to the floor <br />(see Appendix 3 for CAC meeting notes showing the details of <br />the discussion). CAC #11 began the discussion of the “non- <br />consensus” parks. CAC #12 was the final meeting, with the <br />CAC recommending the overall guiding principles, guiding <br />principles for the Grand Rounds Missing Link, and the designs <br />of all parks to the MPRB Commissioners. The CAC did request <br />further exploration of the Caleb Dorr triangle concept with the <br />technical advisory committee and the neighborhood during the <br />public comment period. <br />6: PUBLIC COMMENT ON THE ERPMP DOCUMENT <br />AND FINAL APPROVAL <br />At the conclusion of the CAC process, MPRB staff and <br />consultants prepared the draft ERPMP document and provided <br />it to the community for formal public comment. The document <br />was made available on line and in print at all service area <br />recreation centers. Surveys were made available online or <br />printed in all recreation centers. <br />As the conclusion of the 45-day comment period, MPRB staff <br />will tabulate the comments, make necessary changes to the <br />document to reflect that input, and bring the Final ERPMP <br />before the Board of Commissioners for approval with a public <br />hearing. <br />30