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PLANNING PROCESSINTRODUCTION SERVICE AREA VISION PARK PLANS IMPLEMENTATION <br />EAST OF THE RIVER PARK MASTER PLAN <br />OPERATIONS AND <br />MAINTENANCE <br />One regional trail system was included in the ERPMP planning <br />process. The Grand Rounds Missing Link (GRML) Master <br />Plan from 2009 needs an update and to be approved by <br />the Metropolitan Council. The Metropolitan Council has <br />identified the Grand Rounds Missing Link as a Regional Trail <br />Search Corridor in the 2040 Regional Parks Policy Plan. The <br />GRML is inextricably intertwined with the neighborhood <br />facilities in the ERPMP project area as well as other current <br />and planned regional trail connections. <br />The other regional parks in the area (Ridgway Parkway, <br />Saint Anthony Parkway, Central Riverfront, and Above the <br />Falls/Riverfirst) already have adopted master plans. The <br />Metropolitan Council requires a specific format for regional <br />park and trail master plans, including information on <br />operations, public safety, environment, and other factors. The <br />Metropolitan Council submission may include a preferred and <br />alternate route options. Not all of these sections are included <br />in this draft document. However, a detailed description of the <br />development proposal for the GRML is included, and roughly <br />parallels what is included for neighborhood parks. This should <br />provide adequate information for the public to comment <br />on the intent of the park designs and to offer suggestions or <br />corrections. The additional sections will be completed prior to <br />final approval by the MPRB commissioners, and the public will <br />have an opportunity to review them and provide comments <br />at a public hearing prior to adoption. After adoption of the <br />ERPMP document, MPRB staff will compile information on the <br />regional trail section, separate it from this overall document, <br />and submit it to the Metropolitan Council for approval. <br />Council approval is necessary prior to any expenditure of <br />state or regional funds on the regional trails. <br />REGIONAL TRAIL: THE GRAND ROUNDS MISSING LINK <br />REGIONAL TRAIL CONNECTIONSFIGURE 18 | REGIONAL TRAIL CONNECTIONS <br />254