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CC PACKET 04092019
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CC PACKET 04092019
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4/5/2019 8:52:44 AM
Creation date
4/5/2019 8:49:30 AM
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April 9, 2019 <br />Page 5 <br /> <br />As with the discussion of the addition on the front, staff would agree that the living <br />space addition is appropriate in this location. The addition maintains a 30 foot <br />distance from Harding Street, and is supported by the same rationale for the <br />encroachment toward 34th Avenue – reasonable use, neighborhood character, and <br />practical difficulties. In this case, the corner lot setback requirements and the <br />common setback conditions along 34th Avenue (particularly the north side of the <br />street) support some level of encroachment. <br /> <br />Staff is concerned, however, with the placement of the proposed garage. At 15.4 <br />feet, a vehicle parked in the driveway would extend into the public right of way, a <br />problematic condition during snow plowing operations. Moreover, the plan shows a <br />proposed 12.9% grade for the new driveway. While the City does not establish a <br />specific maximum grade for driveways, this slope is only marginally functional. <br />Many communities limit driveway grades to 10% or even less. Moreover, parking <br />and exiting a vehicle on a slope such as this can be difficult for some to negotiate. <br /> <br />For the garage portion of the project, staff would recommend that any setback <br />variance limit encroachment into the side yard to a point no less than 20 feet from <br />the property line. This distance provides a sufficient parking stall depth without <br />encroaching into the right of way. In this particular case, it would also have the <br />benefit of reducing the driveway slope by extending the distance. The additional <br />driveway length would reduce the slope to less than 10% or so, a safer and more <br />manageable condition. <br /> <br />While the existing detached garage is closer to the property line than the proposed <br />attached garage, and this is not an uncommon condition along the street for such <br />garages, staff supports the greater setback to facilitate public safety, as well as <br />improved functionality on the property in question. <br /> <br />As such, staff recommends approval of the variance for a side yard setback <br />encroachment as shown on the proposed plans for the living space (to a distance of <br />23.4 feet from 34th Avenue), but recommends an amendment to the plan that <br />moves the garage farther into the lot to a 20 foot setback – a ten foot variance from <br />the 30 foot standard. The applicant should amend this aspect of the project on the <br />proposed construction plans for the site. <br /> <br />2. Representative Codes Referenced. <br />Title XV Land Usage, Chapter 152 Zoning Code, Section §152.039 (E) Front yard apply to this <br />proposal. City Code Section 152.039 (E) states the front yard must have a depth equal to the <br />greater of 30 feet or a distance equal to the average of the front yard depths of the two <br />adjacent lots. <br />Title XV Land Usage, Chapter 152 Zoning Code, Section §152.04 (F) Side yards. Each dwelling <br />must have 2 side yards, each having a width of at least 5 feet and having a combined width <br />of at least 15 feet. Any side yard adjacent to a street must be at least 30 feet in width <br />33
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