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April 16, 2019 <br />Page 9 <br /> <br />Front Yard Setback Variance. Staff recommends approval of the requested front yard setback <br />encroachment variance at 2609 Pahl Avenue with the following conditions: <br />A. The front steps are constructed to a point no closer than 25.6 feet from the front <br />property line, as shown on the plans originally dated 10/31/18, and as subsequently <br />amended in correspondence with City Staff. <br />B. The plans are modified to meet the zoning ordinance requirements for all other <br />aspects, including patio setback and impervious surfaces, unless otherwise approved by <br />the City Council as a part of this application. This condition would include removal of <br />any unapproved elements of the project. <br />C. Any required permits for construction are applied for and approved by other relevant <br />staff. <br />This recommendation is based on a finding that the proposed steps are consistent with the <br />character of the neighborhood, and constitute reasonable use of the property, overcoming <br />practical difficulties related to the imposition of unusual setback requirements by adjoining <br />homes and limitations to reasonable access to the existing structure. <br />Side Yard Setback Encroachment Variance. Staff recommends denial of the proposed side yard <br />setback encroachment for the patio as designed and shown on the plans dated 10/31/18, and <br />as subsequently amended in correspondence with City staff. This recommendation is based on <br />a finding that the request is inconsistent with commonly found conditions in the neighborhood; <br />that there do not appear to be any unique conditions on the property that would support <br />varying from the ordinance 5 foot setback standard; that residential sidewalks are commonly <br />no greater than 5 feet in width; and that there are alternatives available to the applicant that <br />can be developed without the need for variance. <br />Impervious Surface Coverage Variance. Staff recommends approval of the variance for the <br />proposed increase in impervious surface coverage to allow up to 3,400 square feet of <br />impervious surface, and as illustrated on the applicant’s current site plan submitted on April 2, <br />2019, but with removal of adequate paved surface to meet sidewalk widths of no more than 5 <br />feet, or patio setbacks of no less than 5 feet. As noted, the maximum impervious surface <br />standards are in place to protect the City, and neighboring property, from the potential for <br />flooding, as well from excessive runoff of rainwater, sediment, and pollutants. Special <br />conditions that would justify a departure from the standard include those noted in this report, <br />specifically, the application of the percentage standards for lots of this size creates an anomaly <br />in impervious surface standards for slightly smaller lots, that connections on the subject <br />property for front and rear yard sidewalks constitute a reasonable use of residential property, <br />and that the plan evidences compliance with other common requirements of the ordinance. <br />ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS <br />Decision 1. Variance to Front Yard Setback