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2018 Annual Report • Finance Department • St. Anthony Village, Minnesota <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />18 <br /> <br />STREET IMPROVEMENT <br />PLANNING EXPANDED <br />TO A BI-ANNUAL VIEW <br />In 2018 the City modified its approach <br />for annual street reconstruction plan <br />to a two year planning window. This <br />was an advantageous strategy in that <br />opportunities for grants for flood <br />mitigation and partnering with <br />Counties on street projects were both <br />in play going into 2018. The City’s <br />Engineer’s feasibility study <br />incorporated the flood mitigation and <br />County projects along with portions <br />of the original street projects planned <br />in this two year-window. This <br />provided an early compilation of costs <br />for the potential projects. As the year <br />evolved the timing of the County <br />projects and Grant funding for flood <br />mitigation became more defined. This <br />allowed the City to be nimble in its <br />adjustment of its street reconstruction <br />plan. The plan was adjusted to match <br />the timing of the County work to <br />include City project elements as well. The flood mitigation elements were added to the plan as <br />well given the level of grant funding secured. The two year approach allowed the City to balance <br />its financial commitment over the two years to keep its “Peak to Plateau Program” on track. This <br />was a challenging process given all the parties and timing factors involved that proved to be well <br />worth the effort. As the City progresses through the balance of its street reconstruction plan it <br />quickly employ this strategy again when similar opportunities present themselves. The current <br />street improvement plan is shown above left. The resulting levy impact is included in the Peak to <br />Plateau discussion in the Chapter V - Long Term Financial Management. <br />