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<br /> <br />SILVER LAKE VILLAGE MULTIFAMILY REDEVELOPMENT EAW RECORD OF DECISION <br />CITY OF ST. ANTHONY VILLAGE, MN <br />WSB PROJECT NO. R-013966-000 PAGE 2 <br />· A notice was published for the EAW in the June 3, 2019 EQB Monitor. The public <br />comment period ended July 3, 2019. Comments were received from the USACE, <br />MPCA, SHPO, DNR, RCWD, Metropolitan Council, and Ramsey County. Copies of <br />these comment letters are hereby incorporated for reference and included in <br />Appendix A. <br /> <br />C. CRITERIA FOR DETERMINING THE POTENTIAL FOR SIGNIFICANT <br />ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS. <br /> <br />Minnesota Rule 4410.1700, subp. 1, states “An EIS [Environmental Impact Statement] shall be <br />ordered for projects that have the potential for significant environmental effects.” In deciding <br />whether a project has the potential for significant environmental effects, the City of St. Anthony <br />Village must consider the four factors set out in Minnesota Rule 4410.1700, subp. 7. With <br />respect to each of these factors, the City of St. Anthony Village finds the following: <br /> <br />1. MINNESOTA RULE 4410.1700, SUBP. 7.A – TYPE, EXTENT, AND REVERSIBILITY OF <br />ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS <br /> <br />a. The type of environmental impacts and mitigation efforts anticipated as part of this project <br />include: <br /> <br />Zoning and Special Districts: <br />The project will require a land use change from retail and other commercial to multifamily <br />residential. The City’s zoning map has the site identified for planned unit development <br />(PUD). Although the existing land use is retail and other commercial, the change from <br />the vacant box store to multifamily residential apartments will bring a revitalization of <br />economic activity to the vacant site. Public hearings and opportunity for project input will <br />be available for all interested persons to comment on the project. The building setback <br />requirement from the lot line sets a reasonable distance between the new buildings, and <br />existing surrounding buildings and land uses. As the new structure becomes visible on <br />the landscape, the new buildings will not impose on surrounding land uses. <br /> <br />Soil Disturbance: <br />The project will involve soil disturbance. A National Pollutant Discharge Elimination <br />System (NPDES) permit will be required and erosion control best management practices <br />(BMPs) such as silt fence, inlet protection, and a stabilized construction entrance will be <br />in place during construction to reduce sedimentation and prevent erosion from the site. A <br />City development application/land disturbance permit will be required. The project will <br />also be subject to Rice Creek Watershed District’s Erosion Control Rule requirements. <br /> <br />Fish and Wildlife: <br />Habitat within the site is limited. Parcel 313023340030 is 2.4 acres in size and <br />comprises the northwest portion of the site. Salo Park and a regional stormwater pond <br />exists. The pond may provide minimal foraging and resting habitat for migratory birds, <br />such as ducks and geese. Landscaped trees may provide fruits and seeds for songbirds. <br />Fish species within the pond is unknown and likely absent, as the pond freezes through <br />each winter. <br /> <br />No adverse effects to wildlife are anticipated because of this project. The existing habitat <br />is marginal. Landscape trees lost will generally be replaced with new landscaping trees. <br />The project will decrease impervious surface and will include more areas of <br />lawn/landscaping than the existing conditions. The project will not adversely affect rusty <br />patched bumble bee, black huckleberry, or the Blanding’s turtle. These species are <br />unlikely to be present at the site. However, the project will adhere to the DNR’s <br />Blanding’s turtle protection practices, as applicable. <br />24