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<br /> <br />SILVER LAKE VILLAGE MULTIFAMILY REDEVELOPMENT EAW RECORD OF DECISION <br />CITY OF ST. ANTHONY VILLAGE, MN <br />WSB PROJECT NO. R-013966-000 PAGE 3 <br />Wastewater: <br />All wastewater collected in the City is conveyed through the MCES regional sewer <br />system to the Metropolitan Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) in St. Paul. The <br />proposed apartment complex will be located in the north service area of the City’s <br />sanitary sewer system, and the flow generated will be metered by MCES meter M055. <br />Wastewater generated in the proposed apartment complex will be conveyed through a <br />series of gravity mains ranging in diameter from 8 to 18 inches to the Foss Road Lift <br />Station, which pumps directly into MCES Interceptor 1-RV-430. <br /> <br />Given the Metropolitan WWTP capacity of 251 MGD (174,306 gpm) and the estimated <br />average daily wastewater flow that will be generated in this proposed apartment complex <br />(63 gpm), it is anticipated that the wastewater generated at the apartment complex will <br />not have significant impacts on the plant’s ability to effectively treat wastewater. <br />Additionally, given the nature of the wastewater flow, domestic wastewater, specific <br />pretreatment measures will not be required. <br /> <br />Stormwater Treatment: <br />Silver Lake (AUID 62-0083-00) is the only MCPA 303d Impaired water within 1 mile of the <br />project. The stormwater from the site does drain north to this public water. Silver Lake is <br />approximately 0.2 mile north of the site. With the construction of the project, a <br />Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan will be created and used to prevent erosion and <br />stabilize the site during and after project construction. The SWPPP will include specific <br />erosion control to prevent TP and TSS loading to the impaired Silver Lake. The project <br />will be subject to Rice Creek Watershed District stormwater rules. <br /> <br />Building Demolition: <br />The project will include demolition and removal of the existing former Walmart building <br />and associated facilities. Demolition and removal of existing asphalt parking lot, lights, <br />and concrete curb will also occur. For all demolitions, a “Notification of Intent to Perform <br />a Demolition” must be submitted to the MPCA 10 working days prior to the start of <br />demolition. Regulated materials such as asbestos, lead based paint, light ballasts, <br />thermostats, stored chemicals, ozone depleting chemicals, etc. will be managed and <br />disposed of (or recycled) in accordance with State and Federal law. <br /> <br />MPCA, MDA Database Listings: <br />The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) <br />databases were reviewed to identify verified and potentially contaminated sites that may <br />be encountered during the proposed project. <br /> <br />The significant MPCA listings associated with the defined sites within 500 feet of the <br />project location are reported as inactive, but this does not mean the sites are free of <br />contamination. Prior to Project Area redevelopment, further environmental investigation <br />near these sites is recommended for environmental planning purposes. Further, a <br />Construction Contingency Plan (CCP) is recommended for the proper management of <br />contamination and/or regulated materials encountered during construction. If <br />contaminated materials are encountered during excavation, construction activities will <br />cease and a the CCP will be implemented. <br /> <br />25