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<br /> <br />SILVER LAKE VILLAGE MULTIFAMILY REDEVELOPMENT EAW RECORD OF DECISION <br />CITY OF ST. ANTHONY VILLAGE, MN <br />WSB PROJECT NO. R-013966-000 PAGE 10 <br />Rice Creek Watershed District <br /> <br />Comment 1: Thank you for providing the Silver Lake Village Multifamily Redevelopment EAW for RCWD <br />review. RCWD looks forward to reviewing the RCWD permit application for the proposed project. <br />Information on RCWD rules and permitting is available at <br /> <br />74F8B2D8E274&Type=B_BASIC. <br /> <br />RCWD has no additional comments at this time. <br /> <br /> Response 1: This comment has been noted. <br /> <br />Metropolitan Council <br /> <br />Comment 1: Item 9. The Metropolitan Council commented that the City may consider adjusting the <br />population and housing forecasts for the 2021-2030 period. <br /> <br />Response 1: This would be done separately from the EAW process as an <br />implementation step for the Comprehensive Plan. The revised 2040 Comprehensive <br />Plan addressing the general land use comments provided by Met Council staff have been <br />submitted for final review, and respond to those comments. In this regard, the comments <br />are noted for future follow-up. <br /> <br />Comment 2: Item 18. Metro Transit is seeking an accommodation from the developer/landowner to <br />adjust its current transit stop and routing through the Silver Lake Village site. <br /> <br />Response 2: The developer has been made aware of this proposed transit change. The <br />changes would primarily involve Ramsey County for Silver Lake Road, and landowners of <br />the private road serving the site from 39th Ave NE through the existing site and exiting <br />back to Silver Lake Road. The comments are noted for consideration as a part of the <br />development review process, and the developer will be encouraged to continue to work <br />with Metro Transit to facilitate a positive design. <br /> <br />Ramsey County <br /> <br />Comment 1: Staff support the proposed dense multi-family residential development that provides <br />increased housing options in Ramsey County. <br /> <br />Response 1: This comment has been noted. <br /> <br />Comment 2: On page 22, #18, the document does not address the “availability of transit and/or <br />alternative transportation modes.” Ramsey County strongly support the vision for an All-Abilities <br />Transportation Network and suggests that the development encourage public transportation usage. The <br />site is well-connected by public transportation to Downtown Minneapolis via Route 4, Route 25, and <br />Route 825. Additional destinations can be accessed via Route 801. These options should be included in <br />the assessment and used in the marketing of the site. <br /> <br />Response 2: This comment has been noted. The City acknowledges the benefits of <br />public transportation options. Residents of the property will have access to public <br />transportation options and information from the MetroTransit resources. The developer <br />may include information about the public transportation resources at the development <br />leasing/welcome center. <br /> <br />Comment 3: Section 18- Traffic Analysis – This section adequately details the proposed traffic <br />generation vs. the proposed use. We are satisfied that the proposed use represents an overall reduction <br />32