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<br /> <br />SILVER LAKE VILLAGE MULTIFAMILY REDEVELOPMENT EAW RECORD OF DECISION <br />CITY OF ST. ANTHONY VILLAGE, MN <br />WSB PROJECT NO. R-013966-000 PAGE 11 <br />in traffic and no significant change in the traffic impact to Silver Lake Road (CSAH 44), so no further <br />analysis is necessary. However, directing traffic to the site via 39th Avenue NE could be considered to <br />reduce delay to those accessing the site by utilizing the existing traffic signal at that location. The primary <br />access to the site now does not allow eastbound left turns onto northbound Silver Lake Road and we <br />would not consider changes at that location, so all vehicles destined for northbound Silver Lake Road <br />must continue to use 39th Avenue NE. <br /> <br />Response 3: This comment has been noted. The Study did assume that all traffic <br />destined for northbound Silver Lake Road would use the proposed access locations to <br />39th Avenue and no additional access or changes to the intersections with Silver Lake <br />Road are required or proposed. <br />33