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Parks Commission Meeting Minutes <br />June 12, 2006 <br />Page 2 <br />Commissioner Ganley stated he attended at a number of the high school baseball games and agrees there <br />is a problem with balls flying around from the fields. He believes this is a priority. <br />4 C. Trees in the Parks <br />6 Chair Koehntop mentioned that two trees were vandalized in May on the north end of the hockey rink. <br />7 He also noted one of the trees planted earlier is dying. It is his understanding the City is planning to <br />8 replace these trees in the near future. Chair Koehntop mentioned there are trees to be looked at just east <br />9 of the skating park also. He also conveyed how impressed he is at how the trees have leafed out and the <br />10 ambiance they lend to the park <br />11 <br />12 Commissioner Hallada brought attention to a tree that is also dying in Watertower Park. <br />13 <br />14 Director Hartman informed the Commission he would ask Mr. Chuck (Hoskey?) to replace the trees <br />15 from the initial project, vandalism and the additional trees mentioned. He will also ask him to fertilize <br />16 the trees at the same time. The Commission can discuss this at the next meeting. <br />17 <br />18 D. Vandalism of Restrooms in Central Park <br />19 <br />20 Commissioner Ganley mentioned reading about vandalism to the rest rooms at Central Park. <br />22 Director Hartman explained these have been repaired using City funds. Insurance would be too <br />23 expensive to carry. Director Hartman indicated a security system might be added in 2007. Adding <br />24 security measures should alleviate most of the problems. <br />25 <br />26 Commissioner Ganley asked about grass maintenance in Central Park. <br />27 <br />28 Director Hartman stated that John (Hopko?) has been retained as well as the high school to do annual <br />29 field maintenance in addition to what is done by City Public Works employees. <br />30 <br />31 E. Bicycles <br />32 <br />33 Commissioner Ganley asked about the bicycle path in Roseville. He noticed it connects up with the <br />34 Hennepin County trail system along Terminal Road to the railroad line as it nears County Road, C/29th <br />35 Ave. and runs through the cemetery and around the golf course. He asked Director Hartman to talk about <br />36 access to this trail and explain how this system will be implemented. <br />37 <br />38 Director Hartman explained that City staff and the City Council have had discussions with a number of <br />39 agencies that make up the northeast diagonal. This segment of bituminous pathways will connect both <br />40 Walnut to the north in Roseville and 18th to the south. The pathway will run along the railroad grade and <br />41 have access up and over St. Anthony Boulevard then continue north to the connection at Walnut. The <br />^ ' City Council has given support to this project and anticipates completion this fall. There are preliminary <br />drawings available. <br />44 <br />
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