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PK PACKET 11081999
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Parks and Environmental Commission Packets
PK PACKET 11081999
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Parks Commission Meeting Minutes <br />October 11, 1999 <br />Page 2 <br />1 questioned the figure of $800 as the cost for repainting the metal arches. Mr. Wong stated that is <br />2 a correct dollar amount. Kosciolek stated that the metal arches are still under warranty and ques- <br />3 tioned the added cost of $800.00. Mr. Wong clarified that the arches would be repainted free of <br />4 charge pursuant to the warranty if the same colors were used. Jindra clarified that the Commis - <br />5 Sion had decided previously to change the colors of the arches to tan and green. Wolff asked if <br />6 the charge of $800 would be alleviated if the three arches were painted all one color. Mr. Wong <br />7 agreed to investigate that issue. <br />8 Sports Boosters Representative Jan Jensen asked Mr. Wong to clarify from the punch list which <br />9 items were to be completed this year or next. Mr. Wong went through the current punch list <br />10 items as well as wish list items and depicted which items were to be completed this year or next. <br />11 Mr. Wong mentioned that the Commission had previously discussed ordering custom-made <br />12 drinking fountains. Jindra stated that the satellite bathrooms ordered have a spigot with running <br />13 water and the Commission should consider the possibility that the custom-made drinking foun- <br />14 tains are not needed. <br />15 Kosciolek referred to the punch list and suggested that all concrete paving be completed at the <br />16 same time instead of in increments. Louiselle suggested that paving wait until spring. Mr. Wong <br />17 agreed to confirm with the contractor that the concrete paving would be performed in the spring. <br />18 Jindra added that the Commission wished to have the metal arches painted this fall and the next <br />19 Parks Commission meeting would be in November. Jindra stated that the Commission would <br />20 like to retain the two different colors as previously voted on, but requested that Mr. Wong <br />21 contact her after speaking with the contractor to determine if an extra charge would be <br />22 implemented for the variation in color. <br />23 Jindra offered that the Commission would be willing to postpone some of the punch list items <br />24 until spring if it would be beneficial. Louiselle wondered if the contractor would be willing to <br />25 continue the projects in the spring. Council Liaison George Marks questioned the amount of <br />26 money that had been held back pending completion of the park. Mr. Wong responded that 5% <br />27 has been held back and that the Commission was also receiving $250.00 per day for liquidated <br />28 damages. <br />29 Mr. Wong mentioned the difficulties in obtaining the playground equipment for the park. Jindra <br />30 reviewed for the Commission that a large piece of equipment was ordered and received, but cer- <br />31 tain pieces were missing. Mr. Wong stated that his experience with Flannigan Sales has been ex - <br />32 cellent, and he was disappointed that the Commission has experienced problems with Flannigan <br />33 Sales in receiving and installing the playground equipment. Mr. Wong mentioned that, although <br />34 Flannigan Sales is apologetic, it can not determine when the equipment will be received and <br />35 installed. Currently, the missing pieces have been located in Illinois and are being shipped back. <br />
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