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PK PACKET 11081999
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PK PACKET 11081999
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Parks Commission Meeting Minutes <br />October 11, 1999 <br />Page 3 <br />1 Mr. Wong stated that he had sent a letter to Little Tykes expressing the Commission's disap- <br />2 pointment in the handling of the equipment. Jindra mentioned that the Commission would have <br />3 appreciated more forthright communication from Flannigan Sales. <br />4 Wolff reminded the Commission that at one of the early meetings with Flannigan Sales, Brian <br />5 Flannigan had promised to supply samples of colors for the slide, as well as the other equipment. <br />6 Wolff felt that obligation was not fulfilled and that the problem with receiving the equipment is <br />7 not limited to Little Tykes. <br />s Jindra asked Mr. Wong for a timeline that the Commission needed to make a decision about the <br />9 damages it expected. Mr. Wong suggested that the equipment should be delivered and installed <br />10 and then a letter can be written. <br />11 Jindra offered that this has been a learning experience for the Commission as far as ordering <br />12 equipment. Mr. Wong reiterated that Flannigan Sales has been reliable in the past, and this has <br />13 been an unusual and disappointing situation. <br />14 Jindra asked Public Works Director Jay Hartman about the status of the satellite bathrooms for <br />15 the winter. Mr. Hartman stated that on approximately November 1, the satellites would be re - <br />16 moved. Community Services Representative Roadfeldt thought that a satellite would be needed <br />7 for people who still use the park after that date. Mr. Wong mentioned that it is not a normal <br />18 practice to leave satellites over the winter. <br />19 Jindra mentioned that the Commission had discussed additional lighting for the basketball courts <br />20 at a prior meeting. Mr. Hartman offered that a security light would be installed, but additional <br />21 lighting is a wish list item. Wolff mentioned that residents have asked her about lighting for the <br />22 basketball courts. <br />23 Jindra asked Mr. Wong to obtain an estimate on additional lighting for the courts. Wolff men - <br />24 tioned that the basketball courts are in constant use and additional lighting would be beneficial. <br />25 As an aside, Mr. Wong mentioned that he had received a letter from Flannigan Sales stating that <br />26 it had thoroughly checked the playground equipment for safety and found the equipment to be in <br />27 safe order. <br />28 Jindra thanked Mr. Wong for his attendance and input. <br />29 V. SILVER POINT PARK UPDATE. <br />30 Jindra stated that she had visited the park and that it looks excellent with the fall colors and that <br />31 the grass is taking hold. She stated that she noticed the basketball nets and backboards from the <br />32 old Silver Point Park have been installed, but that they are somewhat rusty. Jindra requested that <br />33 Mr. Hartman investigate the possibility of replacing those in the spring. Another item Jindra <br />(--34 noticed at the park was that grass was growing in the infield and that would have to be watched. <br />
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