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Parks Commission Meeting Minutes <br />October 11, 1999 <br />Page 6 <br />1 Jindra inquired if the surrounding residents would have objections to the lights. Jensen <br />2 responded that the lights would be placed so the residents would not be affected. Jensen also <br />3 mentioned that the lights are removable and the proposed batting cages are portable. <br />4 Jindra suggested it could be beneficial in the future to have a joint meeting between the Sports <br />5 Boosters, the Parks Commission, and possibly the School Board to discuss pending and fixture <br />6 issues. <br />7 Motion by Louiselle, second by Wagner, to approve the installation of two light poles as depicted <br />8 in the picture presented by Jan Jensen. <br />q Motion carried unanimously. <br />to Wolff mentioned that skateboarders are using the service roads by the tennis courts and creating <br />1 t a potentially dangerous situation. Jindra said options and alternatives should be considered for <br />12 the skateboarders. Jensen offered that he had noticed some useable space around the Community <br />13 Center that could possibly be utilized for skateboarders. <br />14 IX. OTHER BUSINESS. None. <br />15 X. ADJOURNMENT. <br />16 Motion by Kosciolek, second by Louiselle, to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 p.m. <br />17 <br />18 Respectfully submitted, <br />19 Sue Selseth <br />20 TimeSaver Off Site Secretarial, Inc. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />