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PK PACKET 11081999
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PK PACKET 11081999
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Parks Commission Meeting Minutes <br />October 11, 1999 <br />Page 5 <br />1 VIII. REPORTS. <br />2 A. Community Services. <br />3 Roadfeldt reported that Community Services had sponsored a retirement party for Dick Johnson. <br />4 She also mentioned that residents have spoken with her about the benefits of additional signage <br />5 designating age restrictions on play equipment in the parks. Roadfeldt thought that additional <br />6 signage needed to be placed at the gliders. <br />7 Jindra asked Roadfeldt to inform Community Services that the Parks Commission has a mailbox <br />8 at City Hall that could be utilized when issues arose. Roadfeldt reiterated her idea for placing an <br />9 article in the Bulletin newspaper explaining the proper uses of the park. <br />10 Marks recommended that the Commission write an article regarding current issues for the City's <br />1 t newsletter. He suggested that Jindra and other Commissioners consider co -writing a permanent <br />12 column for the Parks Commission that would appear in the newsletter on a regular basis. Mr. <br />13 Hartman suggested that the Commission contact Ms. Kim Moore -Sykes, Management Assistant, <br />14 to coordinate this effort. <br />15 B. School Board <br />16 Wolff reported that the first phase of the fire road has been installed at the school and another <br />17 gate would be implemented to ensure the road is not used as a parking lot. Wolff mentioned that <br />3 signage had been discussed to discourage residents from using the fire road unnecessarily. <br />19 Wolff said that funds had been approved for work on the football field and to refurbish the <br />20 visitors' site. These projects would possibly be accomplished next spring. <br />21 Wolff reported that the young -child soccer field is still being considered. <br />22 C. Sports Boosters. <br />23 Jensen reported that he had met with City Manager Mike Morrison and Mr. Hartman to investi- <br />24 gate potential sites for additional park space. A consideration would be the old New Market site. <br />25 An estimate from a contractor to convert the space was approximately $40,000 to $50,000, and <br />26 Jensen is considering approaching a bank to discuss the possibility of acquiring the site. <br />27 Jensen reported that, approximately 1 '/z years ago, he approached the Parks Commission and the <br />28 School Board regarding three projects that Sports Boosters was 4 <br />29 considering, which were (1) batting cages; (2) sod on the baseball fields; and (3) improved <br />30 lighting so youth football could be offered. <br />31 <br />32 In this respect, Jensen presented a drawing showing proposed light fixtures planned for next <br />33 spring. Jensen requested the Commission's approval to allow Sports Boosters to install two light <br />34 poles so that home games could be played. Jensen stressed that the money for this project has <br />1 '5 been donated. <br />
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