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PK PACKET 04121999
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PK PACKET 04121999
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March 8, 1999 <br />St. Anthony Village Parks Commission: <br />The following are concerns that my family has regarding Silver Point Park. I understand that there <br />is some uncertainty as to what responsibility the Parks Commission has and what responsibility the <br />designing engineer has as far as what group makes what recommendations to the City Council. <br />Please consider those for which you are qualified to answer. Thank you. <br />Lighting within the park (in the basin), at the parking lot, and any peripheral lighting on ground <br />that is level with the surrounding housing. How is this being planned so that the lights are not <br />intrusive on the neighbors' properties? Will there be a light with a manual switch for when kids <br />want to play in the evening? In the spring and especially in the fall older kids come to play <br />football in the hockey rink (that's where the light was). They turn the lights on when they come <br />and off when they leave. We enjoy seeing these older kids playing as we know they have so <br />few choices for spontaneous recreation in the community. <br />2. Landscaping as it relates to noise and light barriers. When the park was leveled, it opened <br />Highway 88 to the surrounding homes. The amount of car and truck lights that are now visible <br />from the highway is considerable, as is the traffic noise. We are concerned that the landscaping <br />be planned to lessen this disturbance from the traffic. Initially a sledding area was talked about <br />for one of the slopes. If this is still an option, are the affected areas being landscaped <br />accordingly? <br />The hockey rink. Are the boards going to be removable to accommodate summer activities? <br />Will it be necessary to encircle the rink above the wooden boards with fencing to act as a barrier <br />to errant hockey pucks? <br />4. It is our opinion that the city's maintenance of the ice rinks improved every year. Over the <br />years that we've lived on Silver Lake Road, we saw an increase in the number of children and <br />young adults using the rinks. We'd like to be assured that the city crew feels that the plans for <br />the hockey rink and the recreational rink are the most reasonable for accessibility with its water <br />truck and snow removal equipment. <br />5. Accessibility issues. Is emergency vehicle access being considered; is it necessary to solicit <br />the opinions of the police and fire departments? I know of one instance last year when the <br />police drove vehicles to the shelter. Has NSP been consulted as to the feasibility of access to <br />poles for maintenance? If NSP has not yet been consulted, will it be contacted? <br />6. Walking path. Assuming that this will be a soft -ground path instead of a concrete sidewalk, dog <br />walkers should enjoy it. They are the only ones who, in the past, walked the perimeter of the <br />park. With the concern of so little green land to absorb water, I do not recommend a paved <br />path. I need only to point out the tarred walk down Silver Lake Road as an example. If there is <br />no money or desire to maintain a well-designed sidewalk on the city's main road, I question the <br />suggestion to install one in a park. However, if a paved walk is being planned, will it also be <br />available to in-line skaters and runners? Are there cost concerns the city would have if it will <br />require additional time from the maintenance crew to hand mow the areas affected by the paved <br />walk? (Most of the mowing is done by a large, riding mower.) There are areas between the <br />park's fence and the slope that measure 3 to 5 feet in width. This does not seem like a wide <br />enough area in which to lay a path and still have green space on the sides of the path. There still <br />
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