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PK PACKET 04121999
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Parks and Environmental Commission Packets
PK PACKET 04121999
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8/7/2019 7:56:49 AM
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8/7/2019 7:56:49 AM
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is a considerable number of bushes on the south side; these would have to be removed in order <br />to be able to walk at all through this area. <br />7. At the October 1998 City Council meeting it was stated that Silver Point Park would service <br />kids up to 13 years old, except for ice skating and hockey. Is this still the same plan? <br />8. Personal items that relate to my family. (A) There is a wooden pole just the other side of the <br />fence from our back yard. In the past it blended in with the hockey fence, but now it does not <br />blend in with anything. It has not been used for many years. I would like to request that it be <br />removed. (B) There is a broken limb on the tree in the same area. I talked to the excavation <br />contact person this fall and requested that it be trimmed when they had the equipment already <br />available. It was not trimmed, therefore I request again that it be trimmed. (C) Our son is <br />getting married June 12`h. We will be hosting several events at our house that weekend and <br />would like to request that (A) and (B) be completed before then and also, in the event crews are <br />scheduled to work that weekend, they work as far away from our yard as possible or, preferably, <br />not work at all. <br />We would like to invite members of the Parks Commission to our house as a starting point for a <br />walk through the park. Please consider this, especially those who are not extremely familiar with <br />what remains after the excavation. A drive-by viewing isn't as effective as a perimeter walk- <br />through. Please come on a walk with us and you'll be able to see close up what you've been <br />looking at on paper. We know you believe that this is a great area for a park, otherwise you would <br />not be spending a lot of your time and energy working on this project. We look forward to hearing <br />from you. <br />Sincerely, <br />Don and Diane Skrivseth and family <br />2815 Silver Lake Road <br />(612)788-0568 <br />
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