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_ 0�./15/O1 15:28 FAX 6123701378 BRW, INC. 0 002 <br />P <br />To: Jay Hartman <br />Public Works <br />Director <br />From: Bob Kost <br />Date: February 15, 2201 <br />Copy: St. Anthony <br />Central Park <br />ProjectTeam <br />MEMORANDUM <br />Thresher Square <br />700 Third Street South <br />Minneapolis, MN 55415 <br />Phone: (612)370-0700 <br />Fax: (612)370-1378 <br />File: 35185-005 <br />Subject: Summary of Meeting with Jay Hartman, Bob Kost and Gary Palm <br />A brief project review meeting was held at the City offices on Wednesday February 14, 20001. <br />The purpose of the meeting was to clarify the plan review comments from the St. Anthony High <br />School athletic director. The following items were discussed: <br />1. The school needs 2 baseball fields, one for varsity and one for junior varsity. The junior <br />varsity field can be designed as a hybrid junior varsity baseball -softball field with a 90 foot base <br />line on a skinned infield and a mini -pitchers mound of about 4 to 5 inch height. <br />2. The junior varsity baseball team does not require a turf infield. <br />3. The soccer group utilizes on smaller sized field for the younger players. The remaining area <br />between the hybrid junior varsity -softball infield and the proposed hockey rink is a suitable size <br />(250 x 165) for younger soccer players. <br />4. The hockey rink should be designed and constructed with permanent boards, not removable <br />temporary boards. <br />5. The hybrid field will be served with the larger varsity size backstop. The 2 softball fields will <br />be served with smaller backstops. All backstops will be 20 feet high at the outside edge of the <br />canopy. <br />6. Infields will be graded with a 1/2% slope. The varsity outfield will slope between I% and 1 <br />I/4%. A 2 feet tall retaining wall may be necessary along the high school service drive in order <br />to accomplish proper varsity field grading. The other outfields will be graded between I and 1 <br />1/2%. <br />The URS/BRW design team will proceed to incorporate these items in the final plan set for <br />(� Central Park. <br />