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n��thary <br />ilia e(.% <br />MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: August 31, 1999 <br />TO: Parks Commissioners <br />FROM: Jay Hartman, Public Works Director <br />ITEM: PARKS COMMISSION MEETINGS <br />As you may recall, at the August Parks Commission meeting, the September 13 meeting was <br />canceled. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 11, 1999 at 7:00 PM in the <br />Conference Room. <br />The August 9, 1999 meeting minutes are attached for your information. <br />One other item of importance is that there are still two members of the Parks Commission who <br />have not yet been sworn in - Doug Koehntop and Paul Louiselle. Please stop by the City offices <br />and the City Clerk will swear you in. The procedure takes only about 5 minutes. <br />