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I CITY OF ST. ANTHONY <br />2 PARKS COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES <br />AUGUST 9, 1999 <br />4 I. CALL TO ORDER. <br />5 The Commission toured Silver Point Park at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting was called to order by <br />6 Chair Jindra at 7:49 p.m. <br />7 II. ROLL CALL. <br />8 Present: Chair Carol Jindra, Vice Chair Doug Koehntop, Commissioners Paul <br />9 Louiselle, George Wagner, and Colleen Hallada <br />10 Also Present: Representative from School Board (Kathie Wolff); Representative from <br />11 Sports Boosters (Jan Jensen); Representative from Community Services <br />12 (Diana Roadfeldt); Public Works Director (Jay Hartman); City Council <br />13 Liaison (George Marks). <br />14 Absent: Commissioner Joanne Kosciolek <br />15 III. APPROVAL OF JULY 12,1999 PARKS COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES. <br />16 Motion by Koehntop, second by Wagner to approve the minutes of the July 12, 1999 meeting <br />17 with the following addition: <br />18 <br />19 Add Colleen Hallada to the list of Commissioners present at the July 12, 1999 meeting. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />21 Jindra stated that Todd Hubmer, WSB, Inc., was present to discuss Silver Point Park and <br />22 recommended that item be discussed to allow Mr. Hubmer to depart. <br />23 IV. SILVER POINT PARK UPDATE. <br />24 Jindra welcomed Todd Hubmer and invited him to address the Commission. Mr. Hubmer <br />25 reviewed the activities that have been completed at Silver Point Park to date and referred to his <br />26 letter to the Commission dated August 9, 1999. Mr. Hubmer stated that the ballfield had been <br />27 installed, complete with an extended backstop, benches, and playing surfaces. The fence has <br />28 been installed along County Road 88, and the paving of the pedestrian trail and basketball court <br />29 have been completed. Planting of trees and shrubs has been finished, and more detailed items <br />30 will be accomplished within the next 10 days. <br />31 <br />32 Wolff asked if bleachers had been installed. Hartman responded that he would be ordering <br />33 bleachers soon. <br />34 Mr. Hubmer reviewed the progress for Central Park stating that the seeding of the storm water <br />35 basin and the City Hall pond had been completed. He further stated that authority had been <br />36 received to fill the pond north of City Hall. Mr. Hubmer reassured the Commission that the <br />37 establishment of turf at both the City Hall pond and North Central Park had not been acceptable <br />l ' 8 and that the contractor was expected to make additional visits to the site. <br />