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Parks Commission Meeting Minutes <br />August 9, 1999 <br />Page 4 <br />1 Mr. Kost mentioned that part of the problem is that the park is not complete and that additional <br />2 signage would be beneficial. Wagner inquired as to how the age restrictions could be enforced. <br />3 Jensen mentioned parental responsibility would be important in following requirements. <br />4 Hartman requested that Mr. Wong obtain a letter from Flannigan Sales verifying that the play <br />5 equipment was thoroughly evaluated for safety and that the playground was approved for usage. <br />6 Jindra stated that the Commission is sensitive to safety issues, but reiterated that the park is <br />7 designed for older children. She was informed by a patron to the park that the sign at the front <br />8 entrance regarding age requirements was not easily seen, and she suggested a sign at the other <br />9 entrance be implemented. <br />10 Roadfeldt suggested that an article be placed in the Bulletin about the park, which would raise <br />I I public awareness about age restrictions and the usage of the playground equipment. <br />12 Jensen left the meeting at 8:10 p.m. <br />13 Jindra agreed that educating the public through the local paper would be beneficial. She <br />14 suggested the article discuss the progress of the various parks, but specifically that Central Park <br />15 is geared towards younger children and Water Tower Park is designed for older children. <br />16 Roadfeldt suggested a sign listing some general rules for the entrances of the parks. Hartman <br />17 stated that specific signage had been suggested to him such as "No Dogs," "No Smoking," <br />18 "Please Use Bike Racks" and "No Parking Along 33rd Avenue." Jindra believes the police <br />19 should be approached about implementing speed limit signs. <br />20 Wolff asked about a crosswalk around the tennis courts. Mr. Kost reminded the Commission of <br />21 liability issues to the City surrounding crosswalks. Jindra stated the Commission wished to make <br />22 the parks as safe as possible. <br />23 Jindra asked Marks if the Commission should approach the City Council regarding a long-term <br />24 budget plan. Marks stated that the City Council had a budget meeting last week, but suggested <br />25 that the Commission coordinate a list of future plans and present such list to the City Co>mcil for <br />26 consideration into the budget. Marks assured the Commission that the City Council is supportive <br />27 of the Commission and suggested that Commissioners attend future budget hearings. <br />28 Jindra asked Hartman if the Public Works Department could ensure that the parks are properly <br />29 maintained. Hartman responded that park maintenance is contracted out. Jindra stated additional <br />30 budgeting for park maintenance would be an important issue to bring before the City Council. <br />31 Marks responded by stating that as the park infrastructure is changed, the maintenance budget <br />32 would need to be altered as well. Marks reminded the Commission that most of the budget <br />t '3 projections by the City Council are completed in June. <br />