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PK PACKET 03132000
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PK PACKET 03132000
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Parks Commission Meeting Minutes <br />August 9, 1999 <br />Page 3 <br />1 has been enormously pleased with the park and she thanked the Commission and volunteers for <br />2 all of their dedication and loyalty in making the park a success. Wagner extended sincere <br />3 appreciation to Jindra in particular for her devotion and commended her for the park's <br />4 achievements. <br />5 Jindra reiterated that, although the Commission is pleased with Water Tower Park, some details <br />6 still need to be resolved. She feels that this is the appropriate time to address those issues. <br />7 B. Punch List Items. <br />8 Jindra introduced Augie Wong, BRW, Inc., and asked him to address the Commission regarding <br />9 punch list items. <br />10 Jindra mentioned concern and disappointment that the benches were not installed for Water <br />I t Tower Park. She said that Hartman had placed City benches in the park for the opening, but that <br />12 Flannigan Sales was responsible for installing the benches that had been ordered. Jindra stated <br />13 she had spoken to Flannigan Sales and was informed that the benches should be shipped by the <br />14 end of this week. <br />15 Mr. Wong responded that he would be in communication with Flannigan Sales on a regular basis <br />and would ensure that the benches are promptly installed. <br />17 Mr. Wong suggested that, in order for the final details to be completed, the park would close for <br />18 a week and then reopen. Mr. Wong agreed to compile a specific punch list and send it to <br />19 Hartman for review or additions before forwarding the final list to the contractor. Mr. Wong <br />20 further suggested a meeting with Hartman, a representative from BRW, the contractor and a <br />21 Commissioner to discuss the final list before implementation. <br />22 Jindra mentioned concern about the appropriate usage of the Zipline feature on the playground <br />23 equipment. She said that there is a sign specifying that the age allowed for use on the Zipline is <br />24 from 5-12 years old, and questioned whether an additional sign would be beneficial. Mr. Kost <br />25 clarified that younger children are attempting to use the Zipline and become frustrated because it <br />26 is unreachable. Jindra stated that there is another Zipline available for younger children, but the <br />27 larger Zipline seems to be in demand by both younger and older children. <br />28 Roadfeldt asked if the equipment was being used properly. In response, Hartman stated there had <br />29 been injuries reported regarding children under the age allowed on the Zipline. Jindra stated that <br />30 the Commission desires to offer safe equipment. She reported that Flannigan Sales had <br />31 responded to the report and thoroughly analyzed the equipment to ensure its safety. <br />32 Roadfeldt reminded the Commission that the intent of the playground equipment at Water Tower <br />13 Park was designed for older children and that additional signage depicting age requirements may <br />A be appropriate. <br />
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