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PK PACKET 06122006
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PK PACKET 06122006
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Parks Commission Meeting Minutes <br />March 14, 2005 <br />Page 4 <br />Vice Chair Young asked what the added cost will be. Ms. Garbarini said there is no estimate for that at <br />this point. She suggested the City talk with an architect about what renovations could be done to the <br />existing building. If a plan does get approved, and there is funding, the City will need to get an architect <br />on board for the buildings. <br />6 Mr. Hartman asked if a ball park price will be presented at the January 24, 2006 Council meeting. Ms. <br />7 Garbarini said she will. Mr. Hartman said once a plan is approved, an architect will have to be brought <br />8 on board. <br />9 <br />10 Ms. Garbarini explained that they were told that a pool was not desired. She displayed several pictures <br />1 I of ideas for water play including walking through a tunnel, and sprinkling structures. She said they will <br />12 choose a few of them and plug them into the park as space accommodates. <br />13 <br />14 Mr. Hartman asked if she had an example of the trellis idea. Ms. Garbarini said she did, and she could <br />15 hand out copies. This would be an open structure that vines could grow on. It would be treated wood. <br />16 <br />17 Ms. Garbarini stated the idea of a picnic pavilion was brought up. <br />18 <br />19 Vice Chair Young said the pavilion would probably make it more functional in the summer. He asked <br />20 whether places to sit would be added. Ms. Garbarini answered they were considering adding some <br />benches. <br />LL <br />23 Commissioner Ganley said the water tower park has been a success and it provides seating in the middle <br />24 of the park for parents. There is shade in the center. There are nice designs of structures. He asked if <br />25 Close Architects may take some of that design element and maintain some of the color continuity from <br />26 one park to the next. Mr. Garbarini said they would incorporate it if that was what was requested. <br />27 <br />28 Commissioner Ganley said some residents have told him that there is a lot of use of the ball field in <br />29 Central Park. If some of the pressure could be taken off Central Park by adding a 60 yard football field <br />30 for smaller kids, along with something less than regulation for soccer, it would be helpful. He asked if <br />31 these ideas could be configured into the plans. <br />32 <br />33 Ms. Garbarini said if specific dimensions were provided, they would work with it. <br />34 <br />35 Mr. Severson said he had specific measurements. He also commented that when you put ice down for a <br />36 hockey field, football cannot be played on the weeds that grow underneath in the spring. Anywhere <br />37 there is skating, there is no grass in the summer time. <br />38 <br />39 Commissioner Ganley suggested the architects try to design a soccer and football field, though if it <br />40 doesn't fit in they could abandon it. <br />41 <br />Chair Koehntop said he prefers the north/south orientated hockey rink on Option 2. <br />i <br />44 Mr. Severson noted there is an open space in the diagram for Option 2 and inquired what that space <br />
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