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PK PACKET 06122006
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PK PACKET 06122006
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Parks Commission Meeting Minutes <br />March 14, 2005 <br />Page 3 <br />2 Ms. Garbarini explained the first option keeps the off-street parking. The playground is built closer to <br />3 the parking lot. An arbor structure next to the playground separates it from the water play. This will <br />4 also provide shade in the summer. It also will decrease sand in the water play areas. At the end of the <br />5 arbor is a shelter that could be reserved for larger picnics. The building off the sidewalk to the north is <br />6 kept away from the water play. Some of the existing vegetation will be saved. The playground will be <br />7 kept roughly the same size. <br />9 Vice Chair Young asked if the parking lot is moved down from the hockey rink. Ms. Garbarini <br />10 responded it is. It is moved slightly to accommodate the drainage. <br />11 <br />12 Ms. Garbarini presented Option 2. She mentioned that there may be some opportunities to work with <br />13 some older photographs they may find. This concept becomes a little more formal. It provides off-street <br />14 parking with 9 parallel spaces off Macalester and 9 parallel spaces off Shamrock. However, it does not <br />15 give Macalester or Shamrock a front door. There is an arbor proposed that divides the area form north <br />16 and south. In this option, the hockey rink is oriented east and west. It may be nicer to have it closer to a <br />17 building. This option shows the ball field in the same spot as it is. The biggest difference is there is <br />18 more space on the south side and not allowing a front door into the park form the streets. <br />19 <br />20 V. OVERALL PARK SYSTEM DISCUSSION/COMMENTS. <br />2z Vice Chair Young said the skating rink is a big park of the park and is not addressed in either of the <br />23 plans. On Option 2, the hockey rink blocks access to the rink. Option 1 could work better with access to <br />24 both. Ms. Garbarini acknowledged the dilemma and added that the melting issues with the east -west <br />25 orientation of the hockey rink could cause problems. <br />26 <br />27 Mr. Hartman said the best orientation for the hockey rink is north/south. The runoff could be handled <br />28 with this orientation. <br />29 <br />30 Chair Koehntop asked if the hockey rink could be north/south on Option 2. Ms. Garbarini said it could, <br />31 but the basketball space would have to be smaller. <br />32 <br />33 Mr. Severson commented that if the parking is on both sides as on Option 2, people would have to be <br />34 going from one side to the other, and this could be more chaotic. If there are no parking spots on one <br />35 side, you would have to drive all the way around to the other side. <br />36 <br />37 Chair Koehntop suggested presenting both options to the residents and letting them choose. <br />38 <br />39 Mr. Hartman noted that if parking is primarily on Macalester or Shamrock, and entrance could be made. <br />40 <br />41 Chair Koehntop asked if the current number of parking spots remain the same. Ms. Garbarini said it <br />n-) does. <br />44 Vice Chair Young confirmed that both plans include building a new structure. Ms. Garbarini concurred. <br />
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