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PK PACKET 06122006
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PK PACKET 06122006
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Parks Commission Meeting Minutes <br />March 14, 2005 <br />Page 2 <br />Chair Koehntop said he has been asked about the mileage in this park before. <br />Commissioner Ganley said the park was intended originally to have these markings. It is a good project. <br />Mr. Hartman agreed and said this is an excellent project that will be beneficial to all. <br />Commissioner Ganley asked how he thought of it. <br />9 Mr. Peterson said his troop has had difficulty scheduling use of the track in the football field and needed <br />10 somewhere to run. Also, he said his parents are runners and they are interested in having this project <br />11 completed. <br />12 <br />13 Commissioner Ganley said in the photograph Mr. Peterson displayed, there was a metal pole. He asked <br />14 if a wooden pole may be more conducive. <br />15 <br />16 Mr. Hartman said an existing pole would be used. He said this could be researched further. <br />17 <br />18 Vice Chair Young questioned how accurate the lengths are. Mr. Peterson said the lengths will be <br />19 measured out by his troops. He made a quick run with his pedometer and made sure there was extra <br />20 room. The exact distances will be marked off. <br />22 IV. PRESENTATION FROM CLOSE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE REGARDING <br />23 FEEDBACK FROM EMERALD PARK OPEN HOUSE ON SEPT. 28, 2005/DESIGN <br />24 PRESENTATIONS. <br />25 <br />26 Chair Koehntop stated Jean Garbarini from Close Architects would give an update on the Emerald Park <br />27 project. He gave a summary of the background of the project. <br />28 <br />29 Ms. Garbarini noted that comments were taken at a well -attended open house in September. Those <br />30 comments have been incorporated into several designs. She said she would present two options tonight. <br />31 She listed each of the comments individually. <br />32 <br />33 Responding to a comment made that the parking lot is not needed, Mr. Severson asked if those making <br />34 that comment had elaborated at all. Ms. Garbarini said it was just their opinion, and likely thought the <br />35 street parking was sufficient. Mr. Severson questioned whether they live on the streets where parking is <br />36 allowed, and what their thinking may have been. <br />37 <br />38 Mr. Garbarini said that the lighting and the condition of the play equipment were some of the big items. <br />39 She showed a plan of the existing park. She explained as they studied it, they found there was nothing <br />40 the people didn't like about the park that couldn't be modified. The park functions well as it is. The <br />41 area where the play structure is can accommodate a variety of new equipment. She said they did look at <br />moving the more active recreation around, but it didn't make much sense to do that. The diagrams <br />showed kept the function as it is. She emphasized that these are diagrams only and haven't been detailed <br />44 yet. A cost estimate will be prepared for the January Council meeting. <br />
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