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PK PACKET 06132005
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PK PACKET 06132005
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Parks Commission Meeting Minutes <br />March 14, 2005 <br />Page 2 <br />1 Parks Commission has been changed from monthly meetings to quarterly meetings and are scheduled for <br />2 2005 as follows: June 13, 2005; September 12, 2005; and December 12, 2005. He asked the <br />3 Commission for their feedback and suggestions on potential projects the Parks Commission should <br />4 consider for 2005. <br />6 Vice Chair Young referenced Emerald Park stating that the Park Commission should begin working on <br />7 the request for the proposed feasibility study. He stated that the Commission should work to determine <br />8 what would be best for Emerald Park and move forward with the request for the study. <br />10 Public Works Director Hartman stated that he would pull together a list of potential consultants and <br />11 forward a letter requesting a proposal for their services. He stated that he would review the responses <br />12 and provide the Commission with the top two for their review and recommendation. He suggested <br />13 meeting as a Sub -Committee, prior to the next Parks Commission meeting in June, to review the <br />14 proposals. <br />15 <br />16 Chair Koehntop asked if URS would be invited to submit a proposal. Public Works Director Hartman <br />17 confirmed. <br />18 <br />19 Commissioner Hallada suggested the board fencing on the rinks at Silver Point Park. <br />20 <br />Public Works Director Hartman stated that several of the items discussed are maintenance items that are <br />22 already included on the maintenance list for 2005. He stated that each item would be incrementally <br />23 completed and reviewed maintenance items for Central Park noting that the light replacements would be <br />24 one of the higher cost projects for this year. He stated that they also have a contract in place with the <br />25 school with respect to the seeding and Staff is currently working on a donation process that could help <br />26 with some of the costs. <br />27 <br />28 Chair Koehntop suggested waiting on all other projects until Emerald Park has been determined. <br />29 <br />30 Chair Koehntop asked for an update on the winter park activities for Central Park, Silver Point or <br />31 Emerald Park and if any issues have been identified that should be considered. Public Works Director <br />32 Hartman stated that all three parks had a good year with hockey and recreational skating. He stated that <br />33 the parks had an approximate total of 3,700 visits this season adding that the season this year was <br />34 extended. He stated that all of the parks were well used this year. He stated that currently he is not <br />35 aware of any issues with the parks adding that they would be out to review the parks towards the end of <br />36 the month. <br />37 <br />38 Commissioner Ganley stated that he has received positive feedback from residents who have said that <br />39 the rinks were in very good shape this year and that the skating was good. He referenced Silver Point <br />40 Park and asked if the reseeding of the upper ballpark would be an annual operation. He asked what kind <br />41 of seed and process would be used. Public Works Director Hartman explained that they would use a <br />^'), split seeding\hydro seeding operation. He further explained that the process has to be done each year <br />due to the ice buildup. <br />44 <br />
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