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PK PACKET 06132005
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PK PACKET 06132005
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Parks Commission Meeting Minutes <br />March 14, 2005 <br />Page 3 <br />1 Commissioner Ganley referenced the upper ball field at Silver Point stating that he has noticed a <br />2 considerable amount of debris on the outer field and asked if the debris would be cleaned up before <br />3 spring season. Public Works Director Hartman assured the Commission that all parks would be <br />4 reviewed and cleaned up before the parks open for the season. <br />5 <br />6 Chair Koehntop asked if the Central Park project is now basically closed and completed. Public Works <br />7 Director Hartman stated that the project is 99 -percent closed out. He stated that they would review some <br />8 of the trees this spring. <br />10 Commissioner Sholl asked if the School Board plans to do anything for Gary. Ms. Dunn stated the <br />11 Board has had discussions adding that no decisions have been made at this time. <br />12 <br />13 Chair Koehntop noted that Commissioner Ganley had been working with the Student Council on a <br />14 Senior Class Tree Donation program and asked for an update. Commissioner Ganley stated that the <br />15 process has been very disappointing. He stated that he tried over the last year to work with the Student <br />16 Council and the Senior Class in an effort to implement a tree donation program for the graduating Senior <br />17 Class. He stated that there have been several obstacles. He stated that he would be open to revisiting the <br />18 project adding that ultimately it is up to the Student Council to take action and move forward. <br />19 <br />20 Commissioner Sholl asked if the graduating senior class provides a gift each year to the school. <br />Commissioner Ganley stated that it is his understanding that they do adding that there is enough funds <br />z2 available in their budget for the gift in addition to the proposed tree program. He stated that he would <br />23 follow up. <br />24 <br />25 VII. REPORTS. <br />26 <br />27 Chair Koehntop asked for an update on representatives for Community Services and the Sports Boosters. <br />28 Public Works Director Hartman stated that he spoke recently with Kathy Knapp from Community <br />29 Services. He stated that it was indicated that she is having a difficult time finding someone who has <br />30 time. He stated that she would continue to work on finding a representative. He stated that he has not <br />31 heard anything from the Sports Boosters. <br />32 <br />33 Vice Chair Young stated that he is currently working on organizing a men's and women's league. He <br />34 assured the Commission that costs would be kept low adding that the intent is to organize men's and <br />35 women's leagues and a couple's level if they have enough people. He stated that they plan to advertise <br />36 in the Bulletin adding that membership is not limited to St. Anthony residents. He stated that <br />37 membership would be open to anyone interested in joining adding that he could be contacted at 612-788- <br />38 4900 for further information. Chair Koehntop suggested contacting Community Services noting that <br />39 they would be a good resource as they are experienced in setting up lessons and leagues. <br />40 <br />41 A. Community Services. <br />A? <br />NONE <br />\44 <br />
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