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PL PACKET 08202019
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PL PACKET 08202019
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August 20, 2019 <br />Page 4 <br /> <br />planned unit development be considered and that a determination be made that such <br />purpose will be fulfilled. <br /> <br />Generally speaking, planned unit development is intended to allow a mixture of uses and/or <br />flexibility from the strict terms of the Zoning Ordinance in return for higher site and building <br />design standards than what would otherwise be allowed. <br /> <br />Section 152.202 of the Zoning Ordinance specifically states that planned unit development <br />may allow the following: <br /> <br />(A) Variety. Within a comprehensive site design concept, a mixture of land uses, housing <br />types and densities; <br />(B) Sensitivity. Through the departure from the strict application of required setbacks, <br />yard areas, lot sizes, minimum house sizes, minimum requirements, and other <br />performance standards associated with traditional zoning, a PUD can maximize the <br />development potential of land while remaining sensitive to its unique and valuable <br />natural characteristics; <br />(C) Efficiency. The consolidation of areas for recreation and reductions in street lengths <br />and other utility-related expenses; <br />(D) Density transfer. The project density may be clustered, basing density on a number <br />of units per acre in place of specific lot dimensions; and <br />(E) District integration. The combination of uses which are allowed in separate zoning <br />districts such as: <br />1. Mixed residential uses to allow both densities and unit types to be varied within <br />the project; <br />2. Mixed residential uses with increased density based upon the greater sensitivity <br />of PUD projects to regulation; and <br />3. Mixed land uses with the integration of compatible land uses within the project. <br /> <br />Existing PUD. Approved in 2004, the existing PUD overlays more than 60 acres of land. In <br />this regard, the 13-acre Walmart site is a component of a larger PUD site which includes <br />several surrounding commercial and multi-family residential buildings. The project <br />amendment under consideration only encompasses the 13-acre Walmart site. In this <br />regard, all other existing PUD sites/uses are to remain in place and no modifications are <br />proposed. <br /> <br />Processing. To accommodate the requested PUD amendment, a two-stage review process <br />will take place. Basically, the requested amendment will be treated (from a process <br />standpoint) like a new PUD application. In this regard, the application under consideration <br />is the Preliminary PUD Plan stage. Generally speaking, Preliminary Plan approval is similar <br />to a basic rezoning in that it establishes that the proposed use is appropriate for the subject <br />site. Also, as part of Preliminary Plan review, various conditions of approval are typically <br />imposed. The Preliminary Plan will be subject to a public hearing, review and <br />recommendation by the Planning Commission and approval by the City Council. <br />
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