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August 20, 2019 <br />Page 5 <br /> <br />The second stage is the Final PUD Plan which basically serves to implement the various <br />conditions of Preliminary Plan approval and ensure that such conditions have been satisfied. <br />The Final Plan will be subject to review and approval by the City Council. No public hearing <br />is required for Final Plan. <br /> <br />Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW). In May of 2019, an Environmental Assessment <br />Worksheet (EAW) was completed for the redevelopment project under consideration by the <br />City. The purpose of the EAW process is to disclose information about potential environmental <br />impacts of a project. Information disclosed in the EAW process is intended to determine <br />whether a more detailed Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is needed and to indicate how <br />the project can be modified to lessen its environmental impacts. <br /> <br />In this regard, the EAW review considers the potential environmental impacts associated with <br />the apartment building project, including issues associated with the demolition of the existing <br />Walmart facilities. <br /> <br />After receiving comments, the City Council adopted a resolution (Resolution 19-058) of <br />“negative declaration” regarding the potential for significant environmental impacts. This <br />action includes a series of mitigation steps that will be factored into project approval, and finds <br />that no EIS is necessary. <br /> <br />Comprehensive Plan. The City’s draft 2040 Comprehensive Plan is presently under review by <br />the Metropolitan Council. The Metropolitan Council has classified St. Anthony Village as an <br />“urban community.” “Urban communities” are expected to plan for forecasted population and <br />household growth at average densities of at least 10 units per acre for new development and <br />redevelopment. In addition, “urban communities” are expected to target opportunities for <br />intensive development near regional transit investments. <br /> <br />The City’s draft 2040 Comprehensive Plan identifies the former Walmart site <br />as a priority redevelopment opportunity. Recognizing that the City is expected to <br />accommodate an increase in population and that little to no vacant land presently exists, <br />redevelopment of previously developed sites is considered the primary means of achieving the <br />City’s residential density objectives. <br /> <br />The Land Use Plan included in the draft 2040 Comprehensive Plan directs commercial use of the <br />subject site. The Plan also notes however, that high density residential redevelopment (within <br />Area 7) is specifically encouraged and allowed on the subject site. <br /> <br />The 2040 Comprehensive Plan also establishes a desired density range of 20 to 40 units per acre <br />for high density residential development. The applicant has proposed a residential density of <br />35.7 units per acre (464 dwelling units/13 acres) which is within the density range directed by <br />the draft 2040 Plan. <br /> <br />With the preceding in mind, the proposed redevelopment project is considered consistent with <br />the City’s 2040Comprehensive Plan. <br />