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<br />Administration Department <br /> <br />Our mission is to be a progressive and welcoming <br />Village that is walkable, sustainable and safe <br />3301 Silver Lake Road, St. Anthony, MN 55418 612-782-3301 | <br /> <br />TO: Mayor & Council <br />FROM: Mark Casey, City Manager <br />DATE: March 31, 2020 <br />RE: Parks & Environmental Commission Vacancy <br /> <br />Vice-Chair Jessica Rengstorf has resigned and her term ends on December 31, 2021. A past practice has <br />been to appoint a member from the last application pool to finish off the remaining term. On <br />Wednesday, December 4, 2019, three new appointees for the Parks & Environmental Commission were <br />chosen from an application pool of seventeen. Micheal Guest had the fourth highest points, and by <br />consensus of the mayor and council was told by the City Manager that he would be the first alternate if <br />for some reason a term was unable to be fulfilled. <br /> <br />With the newly created vacancy, staff is recommending Michael Guest be appointed to fulfil the <br />remaining term vacated by Jessica Rengstorf (12/31/2021) and appoint James Niemi as Vice-Chair for <br />the remainder of 2020. A resolution for the appointment could be on the April 14, 2020 City Council <br />agenda. <br /> <br />Attached is Michael Guest’s application that was submitted on 11/5/19. <br />