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11/18/2019 <br /> 1/1 <br />Print <br />All applicants are required to be a resident of St. Anthony Village.Date Received <br />Name* <br />Michael Guest <br />Home Address* <br />3626 Belden Dr NE <br />Zip Code* <br />55418 <br />Phone Number* <br />6125015378 <br />Email Address* <br /> <br />Please select which commission you are applying for.* <br />Parks & Environmental <br />In order for the Mayor and Council members to have a better understanding of your background and interests, <br />please provide the following information. <br />Why do you want to serve on a St. Anthony Village Commission?* <br />As a resident and a parent, I see how valuable parks and the environment are for our citizens. I watch our children play in the <br />parks and long-time residents utilze parks. I want to ensure that the parks meet the needs of all our residents. SAV parks and <br />open space improve our physical and psychological health, strengthen our communities, and make our city and <br />neighborhoods more attractive places to live and work. Numerous studies have shown the social, environmental, economic, <br />and health benefits parks bring to a city and its residents. <br /> <br />Parks and public lands serve a critical role in preserving natural resources and wildlife habitats, protecting clean water and <br />clean air, and providing open space for current and future generations. Green, clean and accessible parks and open spaces <br />improve the quality of life for every person in every community. <br />Please list your prior experience serving on a Board, Commission, etc.* <br />Currently, I sit on on the SAV Complete Count Committee and the YMCA Camp Northern Lights community board and <br />Citizens for Sustainability, St. Anthony Village. In the past I have also served on the Hiawatha Light Rail Transit Community <br />Advisory Committee, the Friends of the Mississippi River – River Challenge, Hale Page Diamond Lake Neighborhood <br />Association, Board Member and Citizen for a Loring Park Community, Board Member <br /> <br />Commission Application - Submission #1504 <br />Date Submitted: 11/15/2019 <br />mm/dd/yyyy