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<br />An alternative to consider would be to install a privacy fence along the west side of the run, or relocate <br />the run to the side of the existing shed that faces the applicant’s house – in this way, the shed would <br />screen the run from the neighboring property to the west. <br />The application indicates that the chickens will be fully enclosed in the proposed coop. The application <br />does not state the materials of the chicken coop or if it will be painted. This should be a condition of <br />approval. <br />As noted, the applicants are requesting approval for three female chickens (hens). The City’s requirements <br />will typically specify that the chickens must all be hens, no male roosters permitted on the property to <br />avoid noise concerns. The application indicates compliance with this condition. <br />CITY CODE RELATED TO REQUEST <br />Title IX General Regulations, Chapter 91 Animals, Section § 91.56 KEEPING OF CERTAIN ANIMALS states <br />that “No person may keep swine, cattle, horses, goats, or more than 2 dogs or 3 dogs allowed under § <br />91.01 through 91.05 or fowl, within the city nearer than 500 feet to any human habitation or platted land, <br />without approval of the City Council. The City Council may, before approving or denying any request for <br />approval, request a report from the Health Officer concerning the effect on public health.” <br /> <br />REQUESTED ACTION <br />Staff has reviewed the request, and recommends approval of the request. <br />1. Motion to adopt a resolution approving the request to keep three female chickens on the <br />property located at 3509 31st Avenue NE. A resolution reflecting approval is attached to this <br />staff report. This approval should be conditioned on the following: <br /> <br />• Screening from the property to the west by evergreen vegetation, or privacy fence. <br />• The applicant shall comply with city code related to accessory buildings regarding <br />building materials used to construct the chicken coop. This should include paint or other <br />finishing materials. <br />• The applicant shall comply with city code related to accessory building height <br />requirements. <br />2. Motion to deny the request for chickens at 3509 31st Avenue NE, and direct staff to prepare a <br />resolution declaring terms of the same. In the event the City Council chooses denial of the <br />request, it should clearly state its reasons for the denial and direct staff to prepare a resolution <br />based on said findings. <br /> <br /> <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />Exhibit A: Request Letter and Diagrams <br /> <br /> <br />10