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CC PACKET 06092020
City Council
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CC PACKET 06092020
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6/4/2020 3:20:21 PM
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Mr. Matt Able stated he was the president of the St. Anthony Kicks Soccer reiterated that the 1 <br />fields have taken a lot of use and they have to search elsewhere for field space for the older kids 2 <br />because the fields are being utilized so heavily. The entire older kids’ programs rent space in 3 <br />other communities for practice and for games and some of those fields are not all good either. 4 <br /> 5 <br />Mayor Stille asked for Council discussion. 6 <br /> 7 <br />Councilmember Jenson stated from 1986 to 2000 he was on the Sports Boosters Commission 8 <br />dealing with baseball groups and all of those years there would be discussion about the lack of 9 <br />fields capacity and that time it was always an issue of not enough time for practices, not enough 10 <br />time for scheduling home games for all the sports and he was definitely in favor of taking this 11 <br />next step and felt it was long overdue. 12 <br /> 13 <br />Councilmember Randle stated as a parent with a son who plays ball you really start to see where 14 <br />they are lacking as a competitive edge and actually what is lacking for facilities. He also thinks 15 <br />this upgraded is needed because they are not close to where they need to be as a facility. He 16 <br />would gladly pay extra as a homeowner and taxpayer to do what they need to do. 17 <br /> 18 <br />Councilmember Walker appreciated the comments made tonight. He stated there are pros and 19 <br />cons about artificial turf and it comes down to basically a cost benefit analysis in terms of a 20 <br />decision that needs to be made. There are pros and cons and the issue is how big are the pros and 21 <br />how big are the cons and he thought that is the key issue in making a decision about whether this 22 <br />should go forward or not. 23 <br /> 24 <br />Mayor Stille indicated he learned a lot about this item tonight and it was certainly eye opening. 25 <br />He was looking at this from a different approach and believed the School District will make the 26 <br />right decision with regard to this as they move forward. He wondered if this is an appropriate 27 <br />thing for the City to do and be involved. The City’s vision statement talks about being a thriving 28 <br />community and he thought this is going to help immensely to help this community thrive even 29 <br />more. When it comes to this, participating in a community asset like this, he thought it was an 30 <br />exceptionally good thing. Then the question is how much, it is not fifty percent, this is primarily 31 <br />a School District asset but thought nine percent is appropriate and he thought it would be 32 <br />inappropriate for it to be zero. He would like where the City has landed on this. He stated he 33 <br />was excited to be a part of this project and was supportive of this. 34 <br /> 35 <br />Motion carried 4 ayes-0 nays-1 abstain (Webster). 36 <br /> 37 <br />B. Reducing Speed Limit of City Street to 25 mph 38 <br /> 39 <br />City Engineer Messner reviewed the staff report with the Council. 40 <br /> 41 <br />Motion by Councilmember Randle, seconded by Councilmember Webster, to approve the first 42 <br />reading of Reducing Speed Limits of City Streets to 25 mph. 43 <br /> 44 <br />9
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