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CC PACKET 06092020
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CC PACKET 06092020
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recommended 1 <br />5. If moving forward, require 3rd party certification that all materials are actually recycled. 2 <br />Thank you for the opportunity to comment.” 3 <br /> 4 <br />Mayor Stille stated if this project does not move forward and the School District decides to move 5 <br />forward the amendment of the City lease will not happen. 6 <br /> 7 <br />Mr. Brian Jones stated he has a unique perspective on all of this. He indicated he is a long-term 8 <br />resident of St. Anthony. He was born and grew up in St. Anthony. He stated he played on the 9 <br />fields for High School Football and has coached kids in all levels of sports on those fields and he 10 <br />cannot speak strongly enough that he was in support of this investment and sees this as a value to 11 <br />the community. He sees it as an opportunity that they have at this time to widen the base of 12 <br />people that can use this facility. The fields are important, and the space is needed. He stated it 13 <br />is important for him as a parent to have good facilities for his boys. He thought it was important 14 <br />for the City to maintain its level of excellence to maintain the facilities and he thought it was a 15 <br />great next step. He noted this proposal has his full support. 16 <br /> 17 <br />Director Urdahl indicated the School District has not entertained bids for a project yet as they 18 <br />continue. The feasibility study that would be a next step and estimated project start dates would 19 <br />be contingent on the contractor and their desires and it could be fall or spring, depending on a 20 <br />contractor’s schedule. It is part of the bid flexibility. 21 <br /> 22 <br />Ms. Erin Jordahl Redlin, 3012 Armour Terrace, asked when the feasibility study be complete and 23 <br />when the public get a chance to see it. She also wondered if the City would want to wait to see 24 <br />the feasibility study and she also hoped that part of the study will include looking to alternatives 25 <br />to crown rubber. She stated there are alternatives and hoped that would be part of the feasibility 26 <br />study. 27 <br /> 28 <br />Ms. Shelby Ewing stated she was in favor of this proposal. She indicated she is the president of 29 <br />the St. Anthony Soccer Boosters as well as also being one of the girls High School Soccer 30 <br />coaches. She has watched and has a chance to coach many teams on that field during the 31 <br />summer as a grass field and it was the Taj Mahal of everyone that came and played on it. Sadly, 32 <br />as the years have gone on and the demand for the field has increased, so has the wear and tear of 33 <br />the grass field and the school maintenance staff and Troy have done a great job of trying to 34 <br />maintain it as much as possible but over the last few years it has shown its age and is showing 35 <br />wear and tear. She believed turf fields would be the answer. It would be even better if there 36 <br />were not any fences up. She thought this brings a whole sense of community. The Soccer 37 <br />Booster is in favor of this. 38 <br /> 39 <br />Mayor Stille closed public comment. 40 <br /> 41 <br />Motion by Councilmember Randle, seconded by Councilmember Jenson, to approve Resolution 42 <br />20-051; a Resolution Amending of Community Center Lease with the St. Anthony-New 43 <br />Brighton School District for funds to be directed toward the Community Stadium project and 44 <br />tiling of C2 & C3 ballfields. 45 <br /> 46 <br />8
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