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2. Less pesticides 1 <br />3. Increased playability 2 <br />4. Fewer injuries 3 <br />5. Saves Water 4 <br />ii. Cons: 5 <br />1. Heat Island/Hazard—need to alter schedules to avoid summer afternoon use 6 <br />2. Hazardous elements/chemicals (players & water runoff)* 7 <br />3. Increased turf burns & bacterial infections* 8 <br />4. Asthmatic impact 9 <br />5. Lose option for natural turf permanently 10 <br />*There is an EPA study “part 2” coming out in the future that will help define some of these 11 <br />risks. 12 <br /> 13 <br />2. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT 14 <br />a. Water quality impacts/benefits? 15 <br />b. Crumb rubber—used tires looking for a home 16 <br />c. How does artificial turf fit with SAV’s commitment to the GREEN STEP program? 17 <br />d. Fairwarning article: 18 <br />i. “Despite frequent claims by turf manufacturers that synthetic-turf fields are recyclable and 19 <br />environmentally friendly, FairWarning found that worn-out playing fields and playgrounds have 20 <br />limited second lives…” [goes on to describe how they remain a nuisance to dispose of without 21 <br />viable recycling available] 22 <br /> 23 <br />3. COST 24 <br />a. Taxpayer $’s at stake, though it appears to “fit” in the budget 25 <br />i. As I understand, the school district has found a way to insert the costs into the budget in a way 26 <br />that won’t show up as a cost increase due to other costs expiring (other than a $15-50/year city 27 <br />levy on each homeowner depending on home value). 28 <br />ii. I don’t know what the school board’s budget looks like, but must assume that $1-2.5 million is 29 <br />significant. It would be helpful if the city and school district could present the various alternative 30 <br />solutions to the public so that it can understand directly if artificial turf will be the highest and 31 <br />best use for the taxpayer funds. 32 <br />Conclusion: 33 <br />Best I can tell, there has been a good effort by staff to explore options to expand use of these 34 <br />facilities. It seems that there has not been any sort of documentation of the process that squarely 35 <br />evaluates all options against one another--pros & cons. Considering the open questions about 36 <br />safety, environmental impact, and the potentially irreversible and dramatic change that will result 37 <br />at central park (some good, some not good), it seems prudent that an effort be made to preserve 38 <br />the opportunity and bring the community along on this big decision: 39 <br />1. Request extension of Hennepin County grant in light of pandemic and potential economic 40 <br />impact on budgets 41 <br />2. Attempt to lock in an option on the School District-City funding to give time for due diligence 42 <br />3. Have a 3rd party consultant present a complete evaluation to the community of the issue, 43 <br />potential solutions, costs and risks. 44 <br />4. If moving forward, include in the vendor contract full indemnification of SAV against future 45 <br />potential health/enviro issues, including (but not limited to) cost of reverting to natural turf if 46 <br />7