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20 St. Anthony - General Regulations <br />2009 S-1 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />ANIMAL CONTROL <br /> <br /> <br />§ 91.35 DESTRUCTION OF DOMESTICATED ANIMALS PROHIBITED. <br /> <br />No person may kill or destroy any dog or other domesticated animal found running at large within <br />the city, except as authorized under this subchapter. <br />(1993 Code, § 1205.01) (Am. Ord. 08-007, passed 12-8-2008) Penalty, see § 10.99 <br /> <br /> <br />§ 91.36 DANGEROUS OR DISEASED ANIMALS. <br /> <br />(A) Incorporation by Reference. No person may keep on their premises, or on premises occupied <br />by them, nor permit to run at large in the city, any dog or other domesticated animal of a ferocious or <br />vicious character, habit, or disposition as defined by M.S. § 347.50(2). Any animal which is diseased, <br />vicious, dangerous, rabid, or exposed to rabies may be impounded. If the animal cannot be impounded <br />without serious risk to the person attempting to impound the animal, it may be killed immediately by a <br />police officer or other person designated by the Manager.Minnesota Statutes §§ 347.50 through <br />347.565 are hereby incorporated by reference and adopted as part of this chapter. Incorporation of said <br />statutes shall not be a release by the city of any powers or authority which it has without such <br />incorporation. <br /> <br />(B) Designation. Police officers or others designated by the City Manager may declare a dog to be <br />a dangerous dog or a potentially dangerous dog as defined by M.S. § 347.50. If a dog is declared a <br />dangerous dog or a potentially dangerous dog, a notice shall be delivered or mailed to the owner, <br />informing the owner of the designation, the basis for the designation, the procedures for appealing the <br />designation as set forth in Section 91.44, and the result of a failure to contest the designation as set <br />forth in Section 91.42. <br /> <br />(C) Effect of Potentially Dangerous Designation. The registration requirements and other <br />requirements applicable to dangerous dogs in M.S. §§ 347.51, 347.515, and 347.52 shall also apply to <br />potentially dangerous dogs, provided that the owner of a potentially dangerous dog shall not be <br />required to obtain a surety bond or liability insurance policy pursuant to M.S. § 347.51(2)(2) in order to <br />obtain a certificate of registration. Violations of M.S. §§ 347.51, 347.515, or 347.52 with respect to <br />potentially dangerous dogs are subject to the penalties provided in M.S. §§ 347.54, 347.541, and <br />347.55. Beginning six months after a dog is declared a potentially dangerous dog, an owner may <br />request annually that the animal control authority review the designation. The owner must provide <br />evidence that the dog's behavior has changed due to the dog's age, neutering, environment, completion <br />of obedience training that includes modification of aggressive behavior, or other factors. If the animal <br />control authority finds sufficient evidence that the dog's behavior has changed, the authority may <br />rescind the designation. <br /> <br />(D) Registration Fee. The annual fee to obtain a certificate of registration for a dangerous dog or <br />potentially dangerous dog shall be [$XXX/determined by the City Manager]. <br />(1993 Code, § 1205.02) (Am. Ord. 08-007, passed 12-8-2008) Penalty, see § 10.99 <br /> <br />Formatted: Font: Italic <br />Formatted: Font: 12 pt <br />Formatted: Highlight <br />Formatted: Highlight
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