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22 St. Anthony - General Regulations <br />2009 S-1 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />§ 91.40 RECLAIMING ANIMALS. <br /> <br />(A) Notice. When an animal is impounded, the keeper of the pound will provide the police with a <br />description of the animal impounded within 24 hours of the impoundment. The keeper must make a <br />reasonable effort to determine whether a license for the animal has been issued by the city or any <br />adjoining city, and to ascertain the name and address of the person to whom the license was issued. If <br />the license was issued during the preceding license year, then before the animal may be disposed of, by <br />sale or otherwise, the keeper of the pound must give notice to the license holder not less than 24 hours <br />before any disposal of the animal. If the license holder gives notice to the keeper of intent to reclaim <br />the animal, the animal must be kept available for reclaiming for 24 hours after receipt of that notice. <br /> <br />(B) Payment of fees. The city may employ or contract with a person or organization for capturing <br />and impounding animals not properly licensed, collared, and tagged, and all other domesticated animals <br />kept in violation of this subchapter. All animals impounded will be kept with kind treatment and <br />sufficient food and water for their comfort for at least 5 regular business days, unless sooner reclaimed <br />by their owners. A dog or other domesticated animal may be reclaimed upon payment by the license <br />holder or owner of the impounding fee set forth in Chapter 33, plus the pound fee and cost of the food <br />and care at the rates established between the pound and the city, plus any medical costs reasonably <br />incurred while the animal was impounded. For each subsequent violation for the same animal, the <br />impounding fee will be double the amount of the previous impounding fee. If an animal which is <br />required to be licensed is unlicensed, the regular license fee must be paid in addition to the foregoing <br />amounts. <br />(1993 Code, § 1205.06) (Am. Ord. 08-007, passed 12-8-2008) <br /> <br /> <br />§ 91.41 QUARANTINE. <br /> <br />If a dog or other animal within the city bites any person or is reported as diseased, the police may <br />require that the animal be impounded at the designated pound for observation for sufficient time to <br />determine whether it is diseased. The animal may not be killed or reclaimed and returned to the owner <br />until ordered by the police. Any animal impounded for having bitten a person, which is subsequently <br />released by the police, may be reclaimed by its owner upon payment of the impounding fee, cost of food <br />and care, and any medical costs incurred while impounded. <br />(1993 Code, § 1205.07) (Am. Ord. 08-007, passed 12-8-2008) <br /> <br /> <br />§ 91.42 DISPOSITION OF ANIMALS. <br /> <br />At the expiration of at least 7 full calendar days, including 5 full regular business days from the time <br />any animal is impounded, except in the case of an animal ordered held in quarantine for a longer period <br />by the police, if the animal has not been reclaimed and the fees paid under § 91.40(B), the keeper of the <br />pound may cause the animal to be humanely killed. Alternatively, the keeper may sell the animal, as <br />abandoned and unclaimed by the owner, to any person upon payment of a sum of money not less than
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