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<br />3 <br />Minn. Stat. § 347.50, subd. 3. <br />B. Designation and Right to Hearing <br />The state statute does not specify precisely which individuals within the jurisdiction may <br />designate a dog as dangerous or potentially dangerous. However, the authority declaring a <br />dog as dangerous must provide the owner with notice and the opportunity for a hearing before <br />an impartial hearing officer. Minn. Stat. § 347.541. The statute sets forth detailed requirements <br />for the notice that is sent to the owner. See Minn. Stat. § 347.541, subd. 3. The hearing officer <br />must be an impartial employee of the local government or an impartial person retained to <br />conduct the hearing. Minn. Stat. § 347.541, subd. 4. Note that these notice and hearing <br />requirements in the statute only apply to dangerous dog designations, not to designations of <br />potentially dangerous dogs. <br />C. General Requirements for Dangerous Dogs <br />The statute requires an owner of a dog designated as a dangerous dog to keep the dog in a <br />proper enclosure 1 while on the owner’s property. If outside the proper enclosure, the dog must <br />be muzzled and restrained by a substantial leash. Minn. Stat. § 347.52(a). If the owner rents <br />the property where the dog will reside, the owner must disclose the designation to the property <br />owner when entering into or renewing the lease. Minn. Stat. § 347.52(e). Additionally, <br />dangerous dogs must be sterilized at the owner’s expense within 30 days of their designation, <br />or if the owner fails to do so, the authority may seize the dog and sterilize it at the owner’s <br />expense. Minn. Stat. § 347.52(d). <br />As discussed below, all dangerous dogs must be annually registered in the applicable <br />jurisdiction and have a tag affixed to their collar reflecting their dangerous dog registration. <br />Minn. Stat. § 347.51, sub. 1, 7. <br />D. Registration of Dangerous Dogs <br />State law requires all dangerous dogs to be registered with the municipal or county authority <br />that has responsibility for animal control in the jurisdiction (the “animal control authority”). Minn. <br />Stat. §§ 347.51, subd. 1; 347.52(b). To obtain a registration, the owner must present sufficient <br />evidence that: <br />(1) a proper enclosure exists for the dangerous dog on the premises, as well as a <br />warning sign that there is a dangerous dog on the property; <br />(2) the owner has obtained a surety bond or liability insurance policy of at least <br />$300,000, payable to any person injured by the dangerous dog; <br />(3) the owner has paid an annual fee of not more than $500,2 in addition to any regular <br />dog licensing fees; and <br />(4) the owner has had a microchip implanted in the dangerous dog and provided the <br />details to the authority. <br /> <br /> <br />1 “Proper enclosure” means securely confined indoors or in a securely enclosed and locked pen or <br />structure suitable to prevent the animal from escaping and providing protection from the elements for <br />the dog. A proper enclosure does not include a porch, patio, or any part of a house, garage, or other <br />structure that would allow the dog to exit of its own volition, or any house or structure in which windows <br />are open or in which door or window screens are the only obstacles that prevent the dog from exiting. <br />Minn. Stat. § 347.50, Subd. 4. <br />2 The statute expressly authorizes local jurisdictions to charge owners of dangerous dogs an annual fee <br />in addition to any regular dog licensing fees. Minn. Stat. § 347.51, subd. 3.