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CC PACKET 01262021
City Council
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CC PACKET 01262021
Entry Properties
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1/26/2021 6:06:51 PM
Creation date
1/21/2021 4:43:04 PM
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stacking lanes, and noise from two sources – the exit dryer location, and the proposed exterior vacuum <br />stations shown on the site plan. <br />To mitigate these issues, staff has proposed some specific additions and changes to the site plan <br />designed to moderate these impacts. As noted above, it is not reasonable to require the elimination of <br />all impacts of commercial activity on the property. However, these recommended changes are intended <br />to address those additional impacts of the proposed use. <br />1. Revise the plan to shift the facility and westerly egress lane at least 5 feet to the east (see next <br />note). <br />2. In this additional setback space, plant a continuous row of Spruce trees no greater than 15 feet <br />on center, to create and grow a buffer between the access aisle and the adjoining multi-family <br />residential building. Due to the proposed grade and retaining wall, a wider space (and thus, <br />greater shift) may be necessary to accommodate this planting. <br />3. Add larger evergreen trees to the northwest corner of the site to moderate impacts of <br />headlights in the stacking lane. <br />4. Reorient the parking/access lanes in the front area to 90 degree parking angles, and eliminate <br />the one-way circulation patterns that add unnecessary pavement. <br />5. Add a solid fence line along the north boundary/alley to create a buffer between the <br />commercial activity and the single family neighborhood to the north, and add landscaping in <br />that space to enhance the visual aesthetic and reinforce the buffer. <br />6. Add larger evergreen stock in the northeast portion of the stacking lane area to screen <br />headlights from the single family properties. <br />7. Add a permanent canopy cover and solid side-walls to the vacuum area to buffer noise from this <br />area and direct any noise to the south towards Kenzie Terrace, to mitigate noise impacts on the <br />adjoining multi-family building. As noted above, there is no provision for outdoor commercial <br />uses in the zoning ordinance, and a permanent canopy would avoid this conflict. <br />8. Reduce parking lot light pole height to no more than 20 feet, and ensure full cut-off hooded <br />fixtures to reduce light spillage onto adjoining property. <br />9. Specify hooded, downcast wall lighting on the building to avoid any light-source glare. <br />10. Compliance with the requirements of the City Engineer with regard to engineering and <br />construction, including utilities, stormwater, and street improvements. <br />11. Hours of operation limited to between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. <br /> <br />These recommendations are illustrated, in part, as follows: <br />32
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