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<br /> <br />Without these additions to the proposal, staff could not recommend approval of the proposed <br />Conditional Use Permit. However, if these changes are made, staff believes that the use would meet the <br />expectations for the impacts of commercial land uses, minimizing those as necessary to be reasonably <br />compatible with the surrounding area. <br /> <br />2. Applicable Code Sections. <br />Title XV Land Usage, Chapter 152 Zoning Code, Section §152.243 establishes the process and <br />findings required for consideration of Conditional Use Permits. <br />Title XV Land Usage, Chapter 152 Zoning Code, Section §152.122 identifies the allowable Conditional <br />Uses in a C, Commercial zoning district. <br />Title XV Land Usage, Chapter 152 Zoning Code, Section §152.124 and 125 identify the performance <br />standards application to uses in the C, Commercial zoning district. <br /> <br />CONCLUSION <br />Staff and Planning Commission recommend approval of the requested Conditional Use Permit for a car <br />wash facility at 2701 Kenzie Terrace, only with the following conditions: <br />1. Revise the plan to shift the facility and westerly egress lane at least 5 feet to the east (see next <br />note). <br />2. In this additional setback space, plant a continuous row of Spruce trees no greater than 15 feet <br />on center, to create and grow a buffer between the access aisle and the adjoining multi-family <br />residential building. Due to the proposed grade and retaining wall, a wider space (and thus, <br />greater shift) may be necessary to accommodate this planting. <br />33