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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />January 26, 2021 <br />Page 13 <br /> <br /> 1 <br />Councilmember Webster believed this project needs more study and continued to be concerned 2 <br />about how this project could be detrimental to health, safety and general welfare of the residents 3 <br />living directly around the proposed car wash. She thought this definitely needs further study. 4 <br /> 5 <br />Mayor Stille stated one of the things the Planning Commission recommended are hours from 6 <br />7am to 10pm and frankly he did not think there was a reason to have those hours. He understood 7 <br />the owner expressed he only planned on being open 8am to 5pm but the business could be sold, 8 <br />and the Conditional Use Permit runs with the land so the next owner could have the business 9 <br />open from 7am to 10pm. He thought if this proves to be a really good operation and there is no 10 <br />noise impact Mr. Archambault could always come back to the City for extended hours of 11 <br />operation approval. He suggested hours of 8am to 6pm. He thought there should be a condition 12 <br />that strives to have the doors open and shut behind when cars enter upon commencement and the 13 <br />same thing with completion. He thought the project should meet or exceed Minnesota Noise 14 <br />Standards, which has to be done anyway. He thought there could be some signage encouraging 15 <br />refraining from idling while waiting in the cue. There should also be a limit of capacity such as 16 <br />one hundred cars a day and if the air quality index exceeds 100, some things that could easily be 17 <br />put into place to help mitigate some of these things. He was also opened to continuing this as 18 <br />well. 19 <br /> 20 <br />Councilmember Walker indicated this is a tough item and his issue is conservation. His main 21 <br />concern is with condition three which was the same concern of many residents. He was not 22 <br />convinced this project is rock solid and that the third condition can be met at this time. 23 <br /> 24 <br />Mayor Stille explained if the Council tables this he wants to give some direction to staff for 25 <br />clarity. He thought if the Council denies this proposal the City will still get the car wash sooner 26 <br />or later. 27 <br /> 28 <br />Councilmember Webster thought about possible direction to give to staff, as a community, the 29 <br />mission is to be a progressive and welcoming village that is walkable, safe, and sustainable. She 30 <br />thought at the very least and environmental study would be a good place to start. Mayor Stille 31 <br />asked what kind of environmental study she would suggest. Councilmember Webster thought 32 <br />concerns raised by the residents such as water runoff, chemicals that would be used, air 33 <br />pollution, noise pollution and light pollution. She thought this would-be helpful information for 34 <br />the Council in order to see a bigger picture and she thought it would be one step for the City to 35 <br />do its due diligence looking at the standard with regard to the health, safety and general welfare 36 <br />of the residents working or residing near the proposed project. 37 <br /> 38 <br />Mayor Stille asked Mr. Grittman what kind of study that would be. Mr. Grittman explained the 39 <br />City Engineer could look at the water runoff and work with the applicants’ team to make those 40 <br />estimates. He presumed they could get a noise study of the proposed conditions, some kind of an 41 <br />acoustical contour study. He was not sure how they would measure the impact of potential car 42 <br />stereos and would probably need to rely on signage or other tools to attempt to suppress that. 43 <br />Regarding the fumes, he would need to rely on the City Engineer to see if they have staff that 44 <br />would be able to provide some kind of analysis of the air quality issues related to a facility like 45 <br />this. 46 <br />13