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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />January 26, 2021 <br />Page 3 <br />1 <br />V. REPORTS FROM COMMISSION AND STAFF. 2 <br />3 <br />A.Resolution 21-017; a Resolution Approving Conditional Use Permit for a Car Wash4 <br />Facility with Vacuum Stations at 2701 Kenzie Terrace in the C, Commercial District.5 <br />6 <br />City Planner Grittman reviewed the resolution with the Council. 7 <br />8 <br />Councilmember Webster asked for clarification on the standard for residential properties. She 9 <br />believed residential properties can be no more than thirty-five percent roofs and paved surfaces. 10 <br />She also wondered what percent is set for commercial properties. Mr. Grittman explained the 11 <br />standard for most residential properties is thirty-five percent. The City does allow smaller lots 12 <br />that are a single family to be forty percent. Multi-family is actually fifty percent and there is no 13 <br />standard in the Code for commercial or industrial property right now. He noted those properties 14 <br />are reviewed for stormwater management by the City Engineer to control stormwater according 15 <br />to the City’s standard stormwater management conditions. 16 <br />17 <br />Councilmember Webster indicated in reading through the report it states the use will not be 18 <br />detrimental to the health, safety or general welfare of persons residing or working in the vicinity 19 <br />or to the values of the properties in the vicinity. She asked what the City’s due diligence is to 20 <br />really determine if a project meets this requirement. Mr. Grittman stated the City’s responsibility 21 <br />is to make reasonable judgements about what the impacts of the use are likely to be and then 22 <br />measure those against what would be allowed by right effectively under the zoning of the 23 <br />property and then assign conditions to mitigate what the Council believes to be the impacts of the 24 <br />proposed use. 25 <br />26 <br />Councilmember Walker stated the third condition Mr. Grittman spoke of to mitigate things like 27 <br />noise pollution, issues concerning the air, traffic and so forth. He could understand theoretically 28 <br />how that could mitigate those kinds of harms, given this third condition, but he wondered if there 29 <br />was any evidence beyond just theoretical considerations that these measures will in fact reduce, 30 <br />to a significant degree these particular harms to the residents. Mr. Grittman explained staff relies 31 <br />on their experience with similar situations to make reasonable judgements as to what conditions 32 <br />would apply and mitigate the issues staff would foresee. Short of that, staff tries to look at what 33 <br />other evidence is out there in the marketplace with these kinds of uses and these kinds of land 34 <br />use situations. 35 <br />36 <br />Councilmember Jenson thought reading the conditions that were applied to this request, he 37 <br />thought it does a pretty good job of mitigating the aesthetics of the look of this as to how it could 38 <br />fit into the look of the neighborhood. The lighting is going to be mitigated and will shoot 39 <br />downward and also to prevent headlights from shining through into the neighborhood. It does 40 <br />talk about sound abatement dealing with enclosures for the vacuums, but they do not see much 41 <br />related to potential excess car exhaust and wondered what staff thought about that. He would 42 <br />like to add related to car exhaust though is that within about a three-minute drive of this location, 43 <br />there are three other car washes that are nearby. One is on Silver Lake Road and 39th at the 44 <br />Holiday Station. Another is on 39th and Stinson Boulevard, the old Tunnel Car Wash and then 45 <br />one on 37th and Old Highway 8, the Speedway, which is a car wash. He stated people have a 46 <br />3