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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />January 26, 2021 <br />Page 4 <br /> <br />choice of three other car washes that are nearby so he was wondering if that will possibly 1 <br />mitigate some of the traffic or reduce some of the traffic that might go into this particular 2 <br />location and reduce the amount of car exhaust that people are concerned about. Mr. Grittman 3 <br />explained with regard to car exhaust on site, certainly idling vehicles create car exhaust but just 4 <br />as Councilmember Jenson pointed out, there are car wash facilities and other commercial drive 5 <br />through facilities all over the Metro area that have existed for many years and the State Pollution 6 <br />Control Agency manages air quality in the Metro area and he is not aware of any situations 7 <br />where idling cars in drive throughs have caused a violation of any of the PCA standards for air 8 <br />pollution. Staff’s presumption here is that this would be similar to all the other facilities that are 9 <br />out there within the allowances for what the State has set for air quality. 10 <br /> 11 <br />Councilmember Randle asked if the applicant was aware of the new proposed conditions. Mr. 12 <br />Grittman indicated the applicant was aware and at the Planning Commission meeting when these 13 <br />were first proposed and actually had reviewed the staff report and has been a part of the process 14 <br />since December and fully aware of the eleven conditions that the Planning Commission has 15 <br />recommended. 16 <br /> 17 <br />Mayor Stille stated there is talk of the Minnesota Noise Standards and he wondered how that 18 <br />factored into staff’s recommendation and Planning Commission, if at all, in regard to meeting 19 <br />those or violating those. Mr. Grittman explained the State has noise regulations which is a 20 <br />pollution control agency set of standards and staff’s presumption is that any commercial use, this 21 <br />one included, is going to be required to meet the noise requirements of the PCA. The City 22 <br />cannot issue a permit that would create a violation of those standards. If the applicant is granted 23 <br />a permit and construct and violate those standards, they would not be violating the Conditional 24 <br />Use Permit but would also be violating State Standards and could be penalized or otherwise dealt 25 <br />with for that. The applicant is obligated to meet those standards and staff builds that into their 26 <br />review. Staff’s expectation is that noise mitigation staff is proposing is to reduce that well below 27 <br />what State Standards are so staff is not using that as its expectation, staff is using something 28 <br />lower. 29 <br /> 30 <br />Mayor Stille stated as staff talked about with the exercise, the mitigants, and what the City is 31 <br />striving to accomplish here in response to this application, what are the ramifications if the 32 <br />Council denies this. Mr. Grittman thought denial would have to be based on solid, factual 33 <br />evidence that leads the Council to believe that it is not possible for the applicant to operate this 34 <br />facility within the confines of what the Ordinance allows and there is a presumption in the law 35 <br />that Conditional Use Permits are an allowed use on the property. The City has a high burden to 36 <br />meet if the Council were to deny the permit. If the Council does deny the permit the City is open 37 <br />to a potential lawsuit. A lot of conditions can be added that are reasonable to avoid potential 38 <br />issues, but it is hard to deny one. 39 <br /> 40 <br />Mr. Tom Archambault, applicant, and owner of Boulevard Auto Works, 2801 Kenzie Terrace, 41 <br />addressed the City Council. 42 <br /> 43 <br />Councilmember Walker Mr. Archambault how he will control noise pollution from the car wash 44 <br />itself. Mr. Archambault explained the noise pollution from Kenzie Terrace is 68-85 decibels 45 <br />standing twenty feet away from the street. A Mr. Car Wash franchise, located in Shoreview, the 46 <br />4