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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />January 26, 2021 <br />Page 6 <br /> <br />fairly easily and can be quite loud. He would try to soundproof the car wash as best he can in 1 <br />order to try to be the best neighbor he can. 2 <br /> 3 <br />Mr. Grotkin reviewed building materials and soundproofing with the Council. 4 <br /> 5 <br />Mayor Stille asked how the doors were made for soundproof. Mr. Grotkin explained the doors 6 <br />will be a thinner material but should hold in the noise. 7 <br /> 8 <br />Mayor Stille thought if this gets built the applicant may want to re-evaluate the quality of the 9 <br />materials for the doors. 10 <br /> 11 <br />Mayor Stille noted there were a few residents in attendance that wanted to speak. 12 <br /> 13 <br />Ms. Susan Guthrie, 2616 Paul Avenue, stated she was kind of stunned at what she just heard. 14 <br />One of the comments was “fear of what we don’t know” and that they are all going to be 15 <br />reassured and will know something different than what they are fearing. She was not sure that 16 <br />was fair and what she feared was that what they really have here is that no one really knows 17 <br />anything. What they are dealing with is reasonable assessments, judgements based on 18 <br />experience, presumptions, and nothing scientific or factual. She stated if they were in the City of 19 <br />Minneapolis there would be environmental impact statements and there would have to be to 20 <br />close out a CUP. The project would have to be looked at and satisfied. There is just much that 21 <br />has not been done. Whatever was seen online was not much of what was presented tonight at the 22 <br />meeting. It is very hard as a citizen to follow what is going on when the information that was 23 <br />available to her outside of the Planning Commission, is basically nothing. Basically, in order for 24 <br />a CUP to be given, existing laws regarding the impact of the project must be satisfied. She 25 <br />indicated she was not satisfied and thought that they do need to know what the cumulative 26 <br />decibel amount will be from all blowers and all of these vacuums going at the same time. They 27 <br />remember that this is not far away from housing and within twenty to thirty feet of existing 28 <br />homes. It is hard to image that along with health, safety, and general welfare, which she 29 <br />believed is the burden of the applicant to prove it is not detrimental as opposed to the neighbors 30 <br />having to prove that it is detrimental. All of these things are very concerning to her. She 31 <br />guessed there are legal requirements, and this is not about guessing, this is about knowing. She 32 <br />is pleased with certain aspects of what has been said but they have to remember that this is right 33 <br />in the middle of housing. She explained this is a quality-of-life issue and is hard to imagine that 34 <br />the property values will not be severely affected having that kind of noise level. If that happens, 35 <br />that is talking about stability of neighborhoods, people moving, and the inability to walk in an 36 <br />area. She thought this needs to be rejected at this point. If it is sent back to staff to review and 37 <br />come up with some more definitive delineations of what the actual risk is to the neighborhood, 38 <br />she would hope that there will be further sessions with the neighborhood. She would hope that 39 <br />the residents could have a dialogue with the planners. She did not think that this use for the land 40 <br />is appropriate with all of the residential surrounding it. There are many other uses that could be 41 <br />considered. 42 <br /> 43 <br />Ms. Cary Zarhbock, 2704 27th Avenue NE, explained she has lived at that address for 34 years 44 <br />and love living in St. Anthony. She stated she was at the meeting on behalf of concerned 45 <br />neighbors, herself, her husband, Gary, including the single-family homeowners on 27th Avenue 46 <br />6