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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />January 26, 2021 <br />Page 5 <br /> <br />same ratings are the same distance was 68 to 75 decibels which was similar or slightly less than 1 <br />what the street at Kenzie Terrace was. He explained he has information from the equipment 2 <br />vendor about the blowers, the units that help dry the vehicle and also information about the 3 <br />vacuum cleaners. He stated regarding the blowers, if he was standing fifty feet away from those 4 <br />units there would be a decibel rating of 79 decibels with no barrier between him and blower 5 <br />itself. The blowers will be in an enclosed building which the blowers inside of and are at the east 6 <br />end of the building which is away from the condominium complex and there will be a door there 7 <br />that will be closed almost one hundred percent of the time. His hope is that the door will only 8 <br />open and close to allow vehicles out of the tunnel car wash. He did not anticipate leaving the 9 <br />tunnel open unless for some reason the building needs to be aired out. He stated at a hundred 10 <br />feet away the decibel level is 75. At the exit of the building, heading west the building is at least 11 <br />125 feet with a driveway and setbacks with property line. There is likely 150 feet between the 12 <br />residents and the actual area in which the noise will be coming out of the building. 13 <br /> 14 <br />Mr. Archambault explained when it comes to the vacuum cleaners, the vacuum motors 15 <br />themselves will be inside the building and will be inside the enclosed equipment room. The 16 <br />noise will be very minimal when the door opens and closes because there will be a completely 17 <br />enclosed room where the vacuum blowers are inside of. He stated the rating of noise there at 18 <br />fifty feet are 75 decibels. 19 <br /> 20 <br />Councilmember Randle asked if there was an environmental impact study done for air quality or 21 <br />was one even required. Mr. Archambault indicated he has not had an environmental impact 22 <br />study done but have done phase one environmental of the soil and the property itself and have 23 <br />done soil boring and testing of the sample bores but in terms of air quality and things of that 24 <br />nature to his knowledge it is not required of them nor has one been completed. 25 <br /> 26 <br />Mayor Stille asked with regard to the length of the facility, it can accommodate cars while being 27 <br />washed and also dried and wondered if the door will be closed during that time or will cars 28 <br />continually be going through which would leave the door open. Mr. Archambault explained 29 <br />because this is an express tunnel car wash the blowers or dryers will be set back probably fifteen 30 <br />feet from the exit of the building so the vehicle will go completely through the dryer prior to 31 <br />reaching the door itself. 32 <br /> 33 <br />Mayor Stille asked if it was safe to say that the door will be shut until the drying cycle is done 34 <br />and then open up to allow the car to go out then will close again. Mr. Archambault indicated that 35 <br />was correct. 36 <br /> 37 <br />Mayor Stille asked what the anticipation is with soundproofing within. He explained he has been 38 <br />reading that some of the motors can be built such that there are boxes around them with extra 39 <br />insulation, maybe even insulation on the walls, etc. to help with acoustics and sound and he 40 <br />wondered how that effects equipment quality. Mr. Archambault indicated he would try to 41 <br />answer that but Mr. John Grotkin, RJ Ryan and the project manager would be able to speak to 42 <br />some of the soundproofing of the building itself. He explained when it comes to soundproofing 43 <br />of equipment, very similar to what he has in his current facility right now, there is a car wash bay 44 <br />in the back of that building with a pressure washer and around it they built a sound deadening 45 <br />box because the building itself is built of cinder blocks and sound travels through the building 46 <br />5