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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br />January 19, 2021 <br />Page 10 <br />1 <br />2 IV.STAFF REPORTS. <br />3 <br />4 Mr. Grittman indicated City Staff, the City Council and Commission representatives and a <br />5 number of others met last week to set City goals for 2021. A portion of that discussion was <br />6 the Planning Commission’s workplan for this coming year. The Commission will work on <br />7 marching through that document in the coming year. Some will be Code amendments and <br />8 other aspects, and some will be other parts of implementation of the Comprehensive Plan. He <br />9 noted he will present a calendar to the Commission in order to spread the work out over the <br />10 year and prioritize needs that should come up first. <br />11 <br />12 V.OTHER BUSINESS. <br />13 <br />14 A. Motion Clarification Regarding Request for Conditional Use Permit for a Car Wash <br />15 Facility for Boulevard Autoworks at 2701 Kenzie Terrace. <br />16 <br />17 City Planner Grittman reviewed the request for Conditional Use Permit for a Car Wash <br />18 Facility for Boulevard Autoworks at 2701 Kenzie Terrace clarification of motion. <br />19 <br />20 Motion by Commissioner Morita, to bring back the recommended motion from December 15, <br />21 2020 on the table. <br />22 <br />23 Commissioner Morita asked since there is a new Commissioner, and he was not at the <br />24 meeting in December did staff need to provide any background or information to <br />25 Commissioner Kuykendall to help him with his vote or to make sure he is clear on this item. <br />26 Mr. Grittman indicated he would leave this up to Commissioner Kuykendall. The original <br />27 staff report, and background material was included in the packet so if he has questions in that <br />28 regard staff can answer them. <br />29 <br />30 Commissioner Kuykendall indicated he did have all the information he needed at this point. <br />31 <br />32 Commissioner Socha thought this item was thoroughly discussed at the last meeting with <br />33 public comment and she understood the residents have a lot of concerns based on the standard <br />34 Mr. Grittman presented but she thought it was thoroughly discussed and at this point did not <br />35 see much more to discuss. <br />36 <br />37 Motion by Commissioner Socha, to recommend the City Council approve a Conditional Use <br />38 Permit for a Car Wash Facility for Boulevard Autoworks at 2701 Kenzie Terrace, with the <br />39 conditions as detailed in the staff report as well as the condition added that the hours of <br />40 operation is limited from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. <br />41 <br />42 Chair Westrick asked if they have City Code and an applicant applies, she assumed that as a <br />43 part of that, did they need to specify in the Conditional Use Permit that they have to meeting <br />44 that Code or is that automatic. Mr. Grittman explained the Code operates for all property <br />45 owners at all times, whether or not it is specified in a Conditional Use Permit or otherwise and <br />46 the only exception to that is if the City granted a specific variance to a specific aspect of the