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PL PACKET 03162021
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PL PACKET 03162021
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br />January 19, 2021 <br />Page 9 <br />1 Motion by Commissioner Socha, seconded by Commissioner Morita, to recommend to the <br />2 City Council approval of a Preliminary Plan Stage PUD by Development 65 for construction <br />3 of a 135 Unit Full Service Senior Living Building on a 4.25 Acre Site along the Eastern Edge <br />4 of Stinson Parkway, between Lowry Avenue and 27th Avenue at 2501 Lowry Avenue, with <br />5 the conditions as detailed in the staff report. <br />6 <br />7 Commissioner Erickson in regard to reducing the parking, the applicant offered to reduce the <br />8 outdoor parking spots to less than 52 currently being proposed. Since there are so many <br />9 drainage concerns with the site, that might be something the Commission might consider <br />10 taking up the offer. He was not sure if the Commission would need to come up with a precise <br />11 number or how that would work. <br />12 <br />13 Commissioner Socha thought there were two important reasons why reducing the parking <br />14 spots seems to be a good idea to her, one is both the aesthetics from the parkway and also to <br />15 increase the impervious surface, which could help with the drainage issues. What she was <br />16 going to propose for discussion is that the Commission require it be reduced from the 50.5 <br />17 percent to the 50 percent, which would meet the impervious code requirements and then <br />18 however many parking spots reduced that would equate to is how many they would have to <br />19 reduce. It seems to her that given the fact that there does seem to be more than enough <br />20 parking that they do not need to go from 50 percent to 50.5 percent and should be able to meet <br />21 the code if it was the R4 Code requirement. She thought the Commission should take the <br />22 developer up on their offer. <br />23 <br />24 Commissioner Morita asked if one of the Commissioners would need to propose an <br />25 amendment to the motion to request the proposal be updated to comply with the 50 percent <br />26 impervious goal. Chair Westrick indicated it was. Commissioner Morita proposed an <br />27 amendment to the motion. <br />28 <br />29 Chair Westrick asked if there is a condition that could be stricken to add this proposed <br />30 condition. She reviewed a few of the conditions that could be changed, or a condition could <br />31 be added indicating the Commission would like reduced parking to meet the Code. <br />32 Commissioner Morita thought the third condition could be stricken and add a new condition <br />33 for the developer to comply with the 50 percent impervious goal. <br />34 <br />35 Commissioner Socha thought the third condition should be changed to say, “The City finds <br />36 the proposed parking supply is adequate to serve the facility and if possible, maintains the <br />37 fifty percent impervious surface throughout the entire property”. Mr. Grittman suggested the <br />38 following wording “The City finds the proposed parking supply is adequate to serve the <br />39 facility and if possible, should be reduced to ensure that the overall impervious surface is less <br />40 than fifty percent”. <br />41 <br />42 Motion by Commissioner Morita, seconded by Commissioner Erickson, to amend the motion <br />43 to modify condition 3 to also add “and if possible, should be reduced to ensure that the overall <br />44 impervious surface is less than fifty percent”. <br />45 <br />46 Motion carried 4 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Abstain (Kuykendall).
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