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PL PACKET 03162021
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PL PACKET 03162021
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br />January 19, 2021 <br />Page 3 <br />1 she thought the City did not necessarily need to stick to 10:00 p.m. and if 10:30 p.m. or 11:00 <br />2 p.m. meets the applicants more then she would be fine with it. This business is not in <br />3 residential and is really on a commercial street. <br />4 <br />5 Mr. Watts explained as far as lumens, the daytime brightness and nighttime brightness settings <br />6 is not a problem. The board operates in those ranges and also has a dimming feature built into <br />7 it that adjusts from daytime setting to nighttime setting automatically. <br />8 <br />9 Motion by Commissioner Morita, seconded by Commissioner Erickson, to recommend that <br />10 the City Council approve a Conditional Use Permit application for a dynamic display sign, <br />11 pursuant to findings related to compliance with the applicable city regulations, conditioned on <br />12 modifications to the sign, along with ongoing operational practices, that meet the <br />13 requirements of the sign ordinance. <br />14 <br />15 Motion carried 5-0. <br />16 <br />B.17 Consider a request for a Preliminary Plan Stage PUD by Development 65, for <br />18 Construction of a 135 Unit Full Service Senior Living Building on a 4.35 Acre Site <br />19 Along the Eastern Edge of Stinson Parkway, Between Lowry Avenue and 27th <br />20 Avenue at 2501 Lowry Avenue. <br />21 <br />22 Chair Westrick reviewed how the public hearing will proceed this evening. This item will <br />23 come before Council on February 9, 2021. <br />24 <br />25 Chairperson Westrick opened the public hearing at 7:30 p.m. <br />26 <br />27 City Planner Grittman reviewed the request for a Preliminary Plan Stage PUD by <br />28 Development 65, for construction of a 135-unit full service senior living building at 2501 <br />29 Lowry Avenue. <br />30 <br />31 Mr. Robert Wall, Development 65, LLC and Mr. Jared Ward, Civil Engineer at Wenk, <br />32 addressed the Commission. <br />33 <br />34 Ms. Patty Labasa, 2653 Stinson Boulevard, indicated when there is a huge downfall of water, <br />35 27th and Stinson floods out very badly and the north side of her house also floods out. The <br />36 water runs down north to south on Stinson and it was said that a holding pond will be installed <br />37 on the other side of her garage which will literally not help the situation. The water table is <br />38 really high as well. She wanted to make sure that the Commission knows there are two <br />39 situations here, if the area is flattened out, because there is kind of a hill behind her garage and <br />40 it flattened the water will run down even more. The other one is the fire trucks down the alley <br />41 way, she did not understand why the City would want to do that. She really thought if it was <br />42 not required and only suggested for the builders to do then it should not be allowed and should <br />43 be redirected. She also asked if this were to be built as high as it is, would that give density to <br />44 build a higher high rise behind that to the east for another builder. She also asked the City to <br />45 close the exist at 26th and Stinson and put the parking lot on the other side for pedestrian <br />46 traffic only because there is a lot of traffic and people do drive very fast through there. She
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