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PL PACKET 03162021
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PL PACKET 03162021
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br />January 19, 2021 <br />Page 4 <br />1 thought keeping the parkway as residential as it can be for the best. She also stated another <br />2 thing she was concerned about are the hoods, chillers, boilers, kitchen and all of those things <br />3 running close to hers and the neighbor’s homes and the noise it will give out. She wanted to <br />4 make sure that the City understands the residents concerns but there are already a couple of <br />5 senior homes in the area so if the builder could possibly move the development back or <br />6 somewhere else would be great. She thought there had to be something better than this. <br />7 <br />8 Ms. Barbara Sullivan stated her grandfather’s farm was on that site. Her concern was with the <br />9 EAW that was done by Ken Haberman on this site. One of the big concerns was perk and the <br />10 developer wants to build an underground garage and t here are still pollutants there and perk <br />11 comes up through the soil. She thought the City should check into remediation because she <br />12 thought the owner of the property would be responsible for any kind of cleanup that has to be <br />13 done. <br />14 <br />15 Ms. Carol Weiler, 2312 St. Anthony Parkway, Minneapolis, stated in reviewing the <br />16 documents that were submitted for the development, 65 Project, she noticed that a portion of <br />17 the land behind the building is part of the easement. She wondered what the exact terms of <br />18 the easement are and can the easement be removed by either party. The density of the <br />19 proposed development is significantly higher if the easement is not included in the <br />20 calculations. The site as described in the project documents as 4.25 acres and she wondered if <br />21 the 4.25 acres includes the area in the easement. She would appreciate the developer pointing <br />22 out where the employee entrance is and where also the employee parking is located. The <br />23 development was proposed initially as 135 units in November 2020 and is being presented as <br />24 around 155, which is a fifteen percent increase. She mentioned this in part due to the small <br />25 amount of useable green space in the project. Everyone has noticed a change in their living <br />26 habits since the beginning of the pandemic and the value and necessity of green space has <br />27 been foremost in maintaining their physical and mental well-being. She thought it would be a <br />28 mistake to approve a new senior living building without very careful consideration of outdoor <br />29 space, its useability and programming. No one knows how long COVID-19 will require <br />30 social distancing and they also need to be prepared for the next virus. St. Anthony already has <br />31 two assisted living properties with very little green space and no nearby parks. With 89 <br />32 independent living units and 42 assisted living units there will be many active residents who <br />33 will want outdoor amenities beyond a small patio and deck. <br />34 <br />35 Ms. Weiler wondered if raised bed gardens would be incorporated into the plan. She noted <br />36 water holding ponds take up a large portion of the green space and she wondered if those <br />37 could be landscaped to provide visual interest to attract wildlife. In looking at the landscaping <br />38 plan, she suggested reconfiguring the sidewalk on the east side of the property. Walking <br />39 directly alongside a road is not a pleasant experience. It would be much more pleasant if the <br />40 sidewalk would meander to the green space on the east side and looped around to a fully <br />41 landscaped holding pond. The sidewalk on the southern edge of the parcel abuts the road to <br />42 the parking garage, again, that is not a pleasant walking experience and she wondered if the <br />43 sidewalk is necessary. She would like the developer to identify which trees currently onsite <br />44 will be saved and how the trees on the west side of the property will be chosen and will those <br />45 trees be able to thrive with the existing trees on the boulevard. <br />46
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