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PL PACKET 11162021
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PL PACKET 11162021
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11/10/2021 4:40:54 PM
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11/10/2021 4:40:39 PM
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November 16, 2021 <br />Page 4 <br />When this project was initially conceived, the applicants utilized the PUD process to define <br />the various aspects of the proposal, including Architecture, Site Planning, Grading and <br />Drainage control, Utility services, Emergency vehicle response, and every other factor. With <br />the PUD in place, development details are specified under the terms of the PUD zoning and <br />development agreements. As such, the subdivision raises very few new issues that have not <br />already been addressed by the PUD zoning. <br />The standard for reviewing a Preliminary Plat is whether the proposed plat conforms to the <br />requirements of the applicable zoning, and the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive <br />Plan. As noted, the applicable zoning in this case is the Silver Lake Village PUD, which will be <br />unaffected by the subdivision. When Preliminary Plat is granted, the applicant obtains <br />some specific development rights, subject to meeting any attached preliminary plat <br />conditions, and final plat processing. <br />Final Plat. <br />The Final Plat is the recorded document that establishes the new parcel and boundaries. <br />The Final Plat is a simple map of the proposed subdivision land, without the development <br />details shown on the Preliminary Plat. <br />The standard for reviewing a Final Plat is very simple: does it conform to the requirements <br />and conditions of Preliminary Plat approval. If so, the City’s role in Final Plat consideration <br />is typically administrative. The Final Plat drawing is reviewed to ensure that it reflects <br />preliminary requirements, and is then ready for recording. The proposed Final Plat is <br />consistent with the submitted Preliminary Plat. Subject to final staff review, the plat <br />appears to be the proper form for approval and recording. <br />Grading, Drainage, and Utilities. Issues related to grading, drainage and utilities should be <br />subject to comment and recommendation by the City Engineer. The City Engineer has reviewed <br />the project at the PUD stage, and has noted that issues related to civil plans will require final <br />construction review, but none that will impact the Preliminary Plat documents or the general <br />site planning. Final engineering and public works review of these aspects of the plan would be <br />a condition of Plat approval. <br />Development Agreement. As a condition of Final Plat approval, the applicant would be <br />required to enter into a development agreement with the City and post all the necessary <br />securities required by it. While the PUD development agreement will continue to control all <br />aspects of site development, there are likely to be slight amendments required to <br />accommodate the changes in legal description and some of the phased improvements. The <br />applicant should expect to cooperate with any development agreement requirements in <br />concert with the PUD agreements in process. <br />3.Criteria for and Consistency with Criteria for Plat Approval. Title XV Land Usage, Chapter <br />151, Subdivision Code.
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